
Friday, June 26, 2015

The day from a cool house

Don't you just love the way people use an old chair to hold a planter?  This one was by the fence shown here.
It is total pleasure to sit in my cool house and do absolutely nothing.  And to have the windows shut and not feel like anyone passing by can hear everything being said.  Or hear our makes me wonder what life was like in a town before everyone had air conditioning.  I grew up on a farm and the nearest neighbor was at the other end of our garden...

It has been overcast here the entire day.  I really have did almost nothing today.  I had been sitting in my chair and decided to get up and go do a load of laundry.  About that time, Bubbie came and jumped up in my lap.  We took a nap together!

Then when I got up, the band statement had come, so I sat and balanced the checkbook.  Most people I know do not balance theirs....they just look to see if there are any charges they don't recognize.  I really wish I could do that, but old habits die hard.  Anyway, that is done again...seems like every time I turn around it is that time of month.

I hate to think it, but the days are getting shorter now.  Do you find that the older you get the more you feel like time flies?  I for sure remember my mom saying that time and again, and how true it seems to me.  


  1. I too always reconcile the bank statements, so you are not alone. I think it is very prudent to do so.
    Enjoy your leisurely day, staying cool. Think of me, over in here in our winter, trying to warm up!

  2. Glad you have enjoyed a restful day in the cool a/c and with Bubbie snoozing in your lap. That's a good day after being under the weather earlier this week.

  3. I'm glad you've finally gotten a cool break from the humidity.

  4. I have a chair planter that is similar. Love this one. I am one of those who scan for charges and adjust when needed.

  5. Sounds like a wonderfully restful day! Now that summer is here I hope to start doing the same!

  6. our retired life is on fast forward, it leaps by weeks not days and months not years..
    so glad you are cool. and in our house in St Pete the houses were only 10 feet apart, we each had five feet to the line. we could hear them burp, talk, cough and every word they said if we were on the side of the house where Jan lived. the other side were 2 girls and we only heard music ... i hated it with a passion. when we bought this house, i told the RE agent do not show me anything that the lot is not 100 wide or bigger, i want to be able to drive at least 2 cars between the house. that is what we got and it is better but can still hear if the windows are up.


  7. I know exactly what you mean about time speeding up. I don't like it - but you can't fight the powers that be. I guess we all have a time limit but it doesn't mean we have to like it because I don't!! lol
    Enjoy the day - rest when your body tells you too - glad your feeling better.

  8. Sounds like a lovely day indoors. :))


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