
Thursday, June 25, 2015


I cannot believe that it is Thursday evening already.  Time to come up with 5 things for Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday 5...won't you please join us with a few of your own thoughts?  I totally love to read these random thoughts.

1.  The above tin was in The Cherry Tree in Paris, Illinois.  As long as I can remember, mom had a tin like this.  She kept her pretty handkerchiefs in it.  I don't know if I have it, but I do have her handkerchiefs.  So, I should have the tin around here some place.  But if I have it, I cannot image why I would not still have the handkerchiefs in it.  I will have to look for it one of these days.

2.  Can I say Cool at Last, Cool at Last!  Some of you may have not been following the saga of our quest for a motor for the fan of our central air unit.  The guys in our local hardware did not have one in stock, but ordered it Tuesday.  Yesterday, they sent the wrong one.  Ryan called and reordered it...Roger heard him reading the model numbers.  This morn Roger goes down there...they had sent the wrong one again, and Ryan had done called and it was supposed to be picked up and would be in in two or three hours later.

Three hours later, no call, but we waited an additional hour--Roger went down there.  They had sent the wrong one yet again!  This time he sent his younger brother to get it.  Roger came home and not too much later received the call that it was in.  He went down there, and it would do but the wiring was a little bit different!  Roger looked, had our neighbor look, and even Ryan from the hardware was afraid to say how to wire it. (It had one more wire than the old one.)

So Ryan called someone from the local heating and cooling...and he swung by in less than half an hour and wired it...also filled it with freon since it was little low.  I cannot believe how quickly I could feel the difference in this house. After 3 days and 2 nights without AC, it feels wonderful.  The heating &AC guy just lives 3 or 4 blocks away, and Roger will be helping his son with his bow.

3.  That leads me to say thank God for small towns...even if Roger had not heard Ryan order it, he could count on him doing it.  If Ryan says he will do it, he will do it.  And at our local grocery store...I don't know who does the hiring there but they have the best kids.  They are always so kind to the older people.  It is just good for the heart to see them.

4.  Last weekend we saw the first episode of The Crimson Field--it starts out with three young women arriving at a field hospital in France during World War I.  It is really, really good.  So we are looking forward to the rest of the series.  The series came out in 2014, but this was the first we had heard of is on our PBS station.

5.  I came across Northern Borders--we both really enjoyed it.  It had that feel of an older, well done movie.  Click here for some clips on Youtube.  You know if both of us says it is really good, it has got to be good.  We don't have the same taste--or maybe I should say Roger has a wider range of what he likes. 

That is my 5, please share yours!


  1. so glad to hear your a/c is finally working.........going to pour down all weekend here, so not sure if we'll need the a/c or not.

  2. Oh I am happy you are cool again. I love the tin and how special that you have your mom's hankies. I hope you both are feeling much better now and that you sleep well.

  3. I keep hoping and praying my ac won't go out. It's way to hot here to survive without it. That tin is totally awesome!

  4. #1 I love vintage tins!
    #2 No one has parts in stock.
    #3 Small town around here are dying fast.
    #4 I miss that.
    #5 Oh, I missed this too!
    Enjoy your weekend. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. I just had my son put the window A/C units in the other was on the hottest most humid day yet.
    And then we had rain and now we have cooler weather ! :) So I only ran them for about an hour so far this year :)

  6. That tin is totally awesome!

  7. so happy you have your AC back.. that is worse to me than losing heat. i can warm up with clothes and blankets but no way to cool down.

    mother had dozens of handkerchiefs, but she kept hers in a tiny drawer of the dresser.

    I like to go in stores and see things from my past that jog memories. i walk through saying mother had that, Ganny had that, i had that..

  8. phew, i'm glad your ac is fixed, what a relief! i love walking through flea markets/antique shops and find things that my mom or grandma once owned! things i had completely forgotten about...i looked the movie up on netflix and added it to my q! thanks for linking rose and have a great weekend!

  9. I am so glad you have COMFORT in your home. I am even more grateful to learn you live in a TRUE Community . . I cherish every story you share, knowing your experience is rather rare lately . . . (Rare, but we can HOPE for better.)

    I really like the looks of that tin.

    Happy Week to you . . . in your nice, cool home.

  10. Good post and I will be checking out The Crimson Field

  11. Hooray for you for getting your AC fixed. This certainly wouldn't be a good time to be without it especially if you live in an area where it gets HOT in the summer.
    I've not heard of the Crimson Field. Lot's of people enjoy British Television but I've just never gotten into it.
    The movie your mentioned sounds really good though. I may need to look into that one.

  12. Oh, Rose, that had to be miserable without your air conditioning! I am so glad it is finally fixed. Love the tin! Also enjoyed reading about the series The Crimson Field and the movie Northern Borders...they both sound really good! Will be checking them out, for sure! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy that cool!!!

  13. Thanks for sharing the link to this blog. I follow Time Stand Still, but missed this one. Enjoyed your random thoughts. It's nice to have dependable people around. Glad your a/c is fixed! Our upstairs unit works, but we've been without the downstairs. That will require a new unit, ductwork, etc. Fans are wonderful--and so is the library on a really hot day. :) One local grocery chain has the BEST customer service around, so that's where we shop. It's so nice to have a personable cashier. They are the "face" of the store. I'm not familiar with The Crimson Field, but it does sound like a good series. Thanks for sharing.


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