
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Just a little funny

I keep thinking about getting an exercise bicycle...a recumbent exercise bicycle to be exact.  One I have been looking at is this Schwinn 230.

Of course I looked at the reviews, and  got a good chuckle with the one below--if you click on this link and go down and look at the 4 star reviews, it is about the 4th one down.  I did not make this up and I am not the one that submitted it.  It was submitted by Bubba from Bibb country.

Cup holder is great!

I am a big ol fat boy and I am considering doin something about that, I have been sitting on it some and that cup holder comes in handy to hold my beer. One ove these days I am going to get around to doin a little peddlin on it and I will let you know how it turns out!


  1. This looks like a great bike to me. I would love to own that!

  2. Funny comment.
    I have found from past experience that exercise equipment make good homes for spider webs :)

  3. How funny!! I never had a exercise that I ever used!! Hope you use yours, if you get it.

  4. VERY funny! I have a wide smile on my face. ;)

  5. I wanted to get one exercise bike once but I was discouraged from doing so. Every one was telling me that I will use it for a short while and that it will end up as a white elephant in one corner of my room after a while.

  6. the review! Hope you find one you like. I like mine a lot, but don't use it as regularly as I should. Great after knee surgery.

  7. Oh Thanks for the smile Rose. This bike looks great and comfortable. Maybe too comfy. LOL
    Happy New Year! Celeste xo

  8. Ho way, Jose, for me. Buddy wants one but these old farmhouse rooms are way too small to house one. I am so happy you have liked the book so much. I am loving Tisha. Am perkier tonight so I am on the computer commenting a bit :-)

  9. Ol' bubba--it just had to be him!!!
    I got a recumbent bike for my late husband after he had his stroke---he wouldn't use it but I thought it would be great for strength in his legs. The grand boys loved it. I finally just gave it away---the boys used it pretty good.

  10. Oh, what an honest review! :-D Thanks for giving us a chuckle today.


  11. Funny review! We have an older model, a 213--no cupholder! The seat appears to be redesigned. On mine, the backrest angles back a bit more than is comfortable for me (neck issues). We had an Airdyne at one time, but it became uncomfortable for hubby, so we replaced it with the recumbent--and he's been on it once. I wish I still had the upright bike.


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