
Saturday, January 9, 2016


Just have to include these...we decided to have fun after Roger's doctor visit and dropped by this trader's flea market.
Anytime I see beautiful teacup sets, I think of my good friend, Mildred.   So I just had to show something pretty on this dark, dreary day.  There was another one I wanted to photograph, but my battery died and I had not brought a spare inside with me and was too lazy to go back outside to get one.

Anyway, as to the results of Roger's patch testing.

He had a reaction to three things:  Formaldehyde, Balsam of Peru, and Super Glue.  It doesn't mean we have to get rid of everything in our house that has them, it is more stuff that he comes into contact with/handles a lot with bare hands.

Formaldehyde, besides being used in industrial applications, is often used as a preservative, disinfectant, and antiseptic.  It can be found in such products as pesticides, adhesives, hair products, cosmetics, and name a few.

Balsam of Peru is used in fragrances.  And this  is a whole other situation.  Not all fragrances include it, but often when listing the ingredients, products just list 'fragrance' as an ingredient but not what was used to make the fragrance.  Again, they are cosmetics, lotions, shampoo, sunscreen, toothpaste, soaps, etc.  

Then add to that, when somethings say 'Unscented'--it doesn't mean they are fragrance free.  Companies sometimes add ingredients to mask the scent.  So we will be finding a few products and sticking with them I guess.

Both of these items have several names...Balsam of Peru had 17 names and formaldehyde has 24...

We still go back Monday just to make sure there is no delayed reaction to any, but so far, it does not look as if there is going to be. 


  1. Those teacups are very pretty. Glad they found out what Roger's allergies were caused by. Amazes me what unsuspecting ingredients can be put into products.

  2. Hi Rose, Thankful that the testing on Roger's hands is providing some answers and I pray that you two will be able to figure out which products he can use safely. Let us know about Monday's appt.
    Thanks for sharing the tea cups. I do love them, especially that first one with the blackberries. Our last home had wild blackberries growing on the property and we enjoyed picking a few to have with cereal and muffins!

  3. Hello Rose!:)Those are very pretty cups. I'm a tea drinker, not a coffee person, so I do love to drink my tea out of beautiful china cups.We don't know half of the things in the products we use, and your post was so interesting about the masked ingredients. Glad your hubby got his allergies sorted out.:)

  4. Those are very pretty teacups with the floral prints. Thank God the results of the test is out. You and Roger can now take necessary precaution so that he will not come in direct contacts with the chemicals.

  5. love that blackberry cup and this sounds like a real hard job to figure out what he can and can't use. fingers crossed you can figure it out. i have never heard of any of this stuff or about the unscented. i am allergic to heavy scents and now i wonder if the ALL i am used is doctored.

  6. Life can be so complicated, can't it? Glad you have the allergies sorted although it sounds like it will be difficult to trace those three ingredients. Thanks for your comment on my blog. My g-daughter has set up my computer for me so I can stand and type. Much better. I have a cup and saucer like that second one, I enjoy a cup of tea more when it's from a fine cup.

  7. I do hope you have success with Roger's allergies. So many ingredients are hidden from us these days.

  8. Glad they found out about what is going on with Roger. Allergies are SO tricky --and so hard to diagnose. Amazing how many things are all around us that we are not aware of... I hope he continues to improve. He is in my prayers.


  9. Those are beautiful teacups! Glad you're getting answers. My granddaughter has sensitivities to so many things, I understand what you're going through to weed out the offenders.

  10. Whoa!! It would be really hard to determine if a product has either of those products in their composition. I know how difficult it can be when an ingredient goes by different names. We found that out when my husband had to eliminate certain foods due to his migraine headaches. BUT, that said, it's so good to know that you can be proactive.
    xx, Carol

  11. Lovely teacups!

    It doesn't sound like it's going to be easy to avoid these products! Yep, when you find something safe it would be smart to stick with it. I wonder how companies can get away with not being specific about the fragrances they use!


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