
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Just a little post...

I finally have some daffodils...spring is officially on its way.

We had temps around 70ºF the past couple of days.  Wouldn't you know I would have a cold/sore throat and did not feel like doing much of anything. I don't actually feel bad now, not as I did for two or three days, but I do run out of energy fairly quick.  There is so much to do that we did not get done last fall--it is almost overwhelming to think of it all. I dare not dwell on them too much...just bide my time and start doing them when the weather gets till it is dependable and we are not just going from day to day wondering what it is going to be doing.


  1. A beautiful photo Rose.
    Yes, you do need to just bide your time. Things will get done when the time is right.

  2. Stunning! Like sunshine through my screen! Don't force yourself to do anything. Wait till your energy comes back.

  3. So pretty and cheerful. Hope you feel better and get your strength back soon.

  4. Such a bright and attractive yellow daffodil. Take a good rest and recover soon.

  5. I love jonquils, which is what we call them here.

  6. Pretty Daffodil. A day in the 70's - How nice. We haven't even reached 60 here yet (which is unusual) but the daffodils are blooming anyway.

    If you subscribe to my blog via e-mail for updates you may need to resign up as I recently switched e-mail addresses.

  7. you know ... i saw your other springy post .. the robins ... they never really left around here ... we have had such an odd winter into spring ... never know. had rain this AM. we needed to put down some grass seed. hoping it will do ok. & the birds or creatures don't eat it all. we have such trees that it doesn't always last for long. but nice to see some green. ( :

    i love daffys.

  8. Take care of yourself.... As you know, I had that horrible respiratory problem for a MONTH... I didn't think I would ever feel good again... SO---just be careful and hopefully, yours won't get worse.

    Beautiful Daffodil. I posted some flowers in our yard this morning.


  9. Oh now isn't that such a welcome sight. The warmer weather is very welcome. So sorry to hear you have been sick and hope you are 100% real fast.

  10. Beautiful especially on this gray, rainy day. :-)

  11. I'm glad you are getting better. Take it easy. The chores always wait for us, don't they :)

  12. Glad to hear you are getting better. That beautiful flower is so cheery.

  13. Pretty flower, we still don't have any flowers popping up yet.

  14. Weird how the weather is so different and yet.......
    It has been cold---not freezing cold---just icky cold and windy and constant rain. Very depressing. A bit of a let up yesterday so bob got some work done outside and I was playing in the greenhouse and then we went for a short ride down in Valley and took pics of the daffodils. blooming

  15. Hey Rose, I am a little bit afraid to trust the weather too, right now. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  16. Hi Rose, what lovely daffodils!That's too bad you had a cold. As you say just bide your time, everything will get done!

  17. That is a beautiful close up of the daffodil! Hope you're feeling better, don't try to do too much all at once. Take care. xo Cheryl

  18. Lovely photo, Rose. I think life can be a bit overwhelming for all of us: so much to do, so little time. I try and break down what I have to do, and focus on getting each small step done along the way without thinking to much about all the other steps as I go.


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