
Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Lorelei and I had worked a bit on this puzzle the other day...and I worked a few more after she left.  But for the most part had hardly touched it.  Yesterday, Sarah worked on it while my other daughter and I sewed a while...then we came up and started working on it.  And finished it before the day was done.  It was mostly them....but I am glad it is done because I have things I need to do and I cannot leave a puzzle alone most of the time when I have one out.

But it is awfully tempting to start another one!

We had a white Christmas...but just a an inch or so.  It is bitter was 16ºF when I notice up in the morn...but got colder throughout the day.  I saw it 12º and then 10º two or three hours later.


  1. It is gorgeous!! One of the prettiest I have ever seen. Is this the kind that the pieces are all the same shape?

  2. Beautiful puzzle. I am not good at puzzles (maybe the ones with 25 large pieces!) I am glad you had a good time working on it together!

  3. Oh geez. I didn't realize that the Arctic Air had dipped that far south. We have been around -2 at night and the high has been 4. Too stinking cold for me. I keep telling Terry that we don't need the paper OR the mail until it gets warmer.
    Happy New Year.
    xx, Carol

  4. Your puzzle ended up being a good family project. It sure is beautiful.

  5. Oh wow! That is cold!! It's right around freezing here, and I am complaining. I've been out spreading pine straw, and got warmed up pretty quick. :) That is such a pretty puzzle. It really is hard to walk away before it's finished.

  6. brrrrr on your cold weather, i would be inside to, but learning new stuff in Lunapic not working on a puzzle. i don't know why i can sit for hours and poke the computer, but can't do a puzzle. it is a pretty one. i say start another one, do what you love

  7. Happy New Year.... Your puzzle is pretty. My family used to take a big puzzle and a card table with us on vacation --and everyone would work on the puzzle off and on all week... Fun.

    Glad you had a White Christmas. We did not --but it's cold here. We've been in the Gatlinburg area this week showing George's daughter (who lost her hubby recently) our beautiful Smoky Mountains.


  8. Beautiful puzzle. I never used to like puzzling but now I do.I got two lovely ones for Christmas,but because of another family gathering at my house this Friday,I have not opened them yet.

  9. Lovely picture! Well done and belated Merry Christmas. I've been in a part of Ireland that had no internet connection, and no cell phone signal so I'm a little late with my holiday greetings. All the best for a very healthy, happy 2018. Bonny xox

  10. That's a nice one!!
    We have finished our puzzle too and we WILL start another one. : )

  11. Magnifico este puzzle, aproveito para desejar umas Boas Festas e um excelente ano de 2018.
    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  12. It is beautiful! Great accomplishment! I love working on puzzles too but haven't done one for a long, long time! Happy new year!

  13. Super puzzle---great scene.
    Sorry it is so cold. We seldom have temps below the teens. It is 30 now with some frost forming. Pretty sunny day today and we thought we would get some stuff done outside when a daughter called and said something was wrong with the electricity she could smell burned wiring so we went to check it out. And that is what we did.


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