
Monday, September 9, 2019

A bit more fun...

Last weekend Lorelei and I had a game of generic Trouble...I say generic cause it is like the game only it has another name which escapes me right now.


Last week we had a game with us each just having a single color...then we played one with us each having two colors.  She started talking about putting faces on the game pieces while we were playing and she was going to do it after the game.  Instead with us playing two colors, it took forever and we both forgot about it.


So yesterday we were playing a game and she started talking about it again.  I don't even remember if I waited till we were done to get out the marker,  but we did finish the game.  She immediately began to make faces.


She also had the idea to have each color a mood.

I don't think I have to tell you that this one is Happy....I love it best of is Lorelei's mood 99% of the time.
It has been a fairly good day...I have just pushed the awning to the back of my mind.  The contractor did not call or come by this day.  Maybe he will tomorrow.  I am not holding my breath about it though.  Also, not going to make myself sit here all day waiting if I want to get out and go.   I just hate to sit and wait for a phone call.  For one thing, I have to stay within hearing of the phone, or take it with me...which I do sometimes.

The other thing is Roger does not answer the phone....and seldom pays attention to it.  I would not want him to answer in this case cause he might tell them we would be here at such and such a time, but never remember it again.
I have been slowly sewing a little bit by hand on days I can function. ... I hate to show anything now cause it is apt to be a year before there is much progress,,,LOL  I have not decided how big the project is going to be.  I am positive about only one thing for sure, sort of two things.  I know the background color(s) will be different prints of the same color.  And for sure one other color is going to show up A LOT...not sure if I am going to restrict it to that color alone or maybe introduce a few more.

The hand sewing I am doing now is just basting, but it is fun.  Yet I long to get in there at the machine and sew some too..

And I cannot remember if I told I decided to make a 'summer quilt' with my Eye of the Hurricane quilt top.  Last week or the week before I used a thrifted flannel sheet as the backing, and layered it with the quilt top.  No batting.  I layered them on the table and pin basted them.  I am not worried if there is a little pleat here and there.  It is for us to have to snuggle under on the couch or in our should work out good and not be too heavy.  You might guess that it is me that usually has cold spells...LOL

I have got to get it out and decide on a thread and get it quilted.  Hoping that doesn't take me all fall to get done.

That is about it...I do need to go check the dryer...and then I can call it done for the day.


  1. A cozy quilt will be perfect for chilly evenings. Using a flannel sheet as backing is a great idea too.
    Lorelei sure is full of ideas, eh? She must be so much fun to have around. My oldest GD Kate and I went to Costco today ( she has a membership, I don't). She and I have fun whenever we do anything together. She spent a lot of her growing up years living with us and during her teen years I would despair of her but she grew out of them and I didn't even get any grey hair.

  2. You are making me want to start another stitching project. It's that time of year, for sure. I think you and Lorelei probably make a pretty good team. Granddaughters can be so much fun. I have three.

  3. Like those hand drawn smiley faces.

  4. Hari Om
    My sister is the stitcher in the family - I admire the finished products! YAM xx

  5. keep busy! Sounds like a great project for those chilly nights. And your granddaughter is full of genius!

  6. Its been a long time since I played a game with someone. I like the funny faces. A cozy blanket on a cold day comes in handy and comfortable. Happy sewing.

  7. Hello,

    Love the cute smiley faces. We always want our children to be happy. The quilt project sounds nice, I like to snuggle under a blanket on a chilly day.
    Wishing you a happy day!

  8. I am giggling and thinking this quilt should be called Next Summer Quilt. ha ha… I wish I could say I long to sew, or even long to learn to sew. thinking of sewing, even putting a button on bob's shorts or heming shorts the hem cae out of, makes me crazy and I put it off until he begs for a button. threading a needle makes me curse, and that is the truth. the yellow balls with smiles made me feel happy looking at them.. and I like those green calm balls also.

  9. What a great memory for your grandchild to have done the faces on the game pieces with you. Priceless.

  10. I really can't think of a happier memory than playing games with my grandkids. It looks like you are certainly making happy ones.

  11. I used to enjoy playing games with my grandkids too!!
    Lorelei sounds fun to have around.

  12. I loved the faces on the game! When I played games with my children, we always changed the rules to suit us. It made life so much more fun.

  13. You and Lorelei sure have a great time together! When Nic stayed with us we used to play War together. They should be coming to visit before the holidays so maybe I'll get Trouble to play with him.

    Even I don't answer the phone unless I recognize the number. If it's important, they'll leave a message. Unless I'm waiting for a call from a doc, I don't wait for phone calls.
    xx, Carol

  14. My Mother always played games with us, it is one of the sweetest memories of her. I never answer the phone unless it's someone I know, and I never answer the door as it is usually someone trying to sell us something. Some can get very aggressive in their tactics/ They have a living to make I know but I figure that their time would be better suited to someone who is interested in what they are selling. Then there's the security issue. Your eye of the hurricane quilt is gorgeous!

  15. I sympathize about connecting with contractors, or anyone else who is going to phone. I'm glad you don't get trapped by it. That is the beauty of cell phones, I suppose. Although I never use mine and don't give out the number. I do use our answering machine a lot.


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