
Saturday, September 14, 2019


I did start quilting my summer quilt using the Eye of the Hurricane quilt top.  I did the little bit show here, and kept having problems with the thread shredding.  I don't know why I did not change my needle after the first time.  I did the little bit up here about three days back and had not touched it till today.  I went down and put a new needle in, a bigger needle, and sewed for an hour and a half or so. this evening.  It is some of the worst quilting I have ever did, but it really doesn't bother me.

The contractor did come and look at the awning Tuesday and Thursday night, someone came worked on it.  Screwed it down good under the eave.  They filled the previously filled holes with caulk.  I think it will be okay, but again it is one of those things if Roger was himself, we would have did it and it would have been done right to begin with.   I never say stuff like this to him...but almost every day he says he wishes the stroke had not happened.

The guttering is left to be done on the garage, and the siding on the north side of the house.  The guttering should be done in about a couple weeks...not sure about the siding.  I will be so relieved to have them all done and be able to forget about them.

It has been hold all week...back up in the 90's, and supposed to be up in the high 80's most of next week.  I am ready for cooler weather.  I am seeing more trees with color.  Just bits of red here and there.  Tiny bits.  We will see a whole tree here and there that is turning yellow.  I just so want it to be a long, slow fall!


  1. I am WITH a long slow fall! The idea being to postpone winter as long as possible. This quilt is so unusual! I have never seen a stitching pattern like it. I like all things round and circular. Wonder what was up with the thread?

  2. Love the quilting. I've always wanted to quilt a spiral like that. Are you using a walking foot or free motion quilting?

  3. Rose, I finally took time to look at all of your quilts, and am just so very impressed with your beautiful work. I really am at a loss for words. I know there are stories to go with each and every one of them. Wow! I also agree with the LONG fall, but it probably won't happen.

  4. Hari OM
    that is the most unusual stitching and I like it muchly. Glad you got that awning sorted, finally; good luck for getting all the maintenance completed. It is one of my least favourite parts of owning a home... I can quite understand why some folk just let things go. YAM xx

  5. I like the hurricane pattern and it is new to glad the repair guys finally came and got a start on all you need done. poor Roger, I know it is hard to know all you could do and now can't do... especially for men. you and I were used to the handyman, can do anything guys, and now they can't, so now it is poor you and poor me, dealing with the problems we can't do either...I to wish we could wish away our husbands strokes.. love you

  6. I think your quilting is beautiful!
    Like a long fall too!

  7. Long slow fall sounds good to me too. Glad you're getting some movement on your repairs, and your quilt looks lovely.

  8. It must be hard for Roger to know that he used to be able to do these things and now can't.

  9. I can understand you wanting the cooler weather after that heat!

  10. I agree with Ruth's comment about how hard it must be for Roger, and I'm sure for you as well.
    I hope you get cooler weather soon. I'd love a nice long Fall too.

  11. It's fun to see your quilts come together and hard work for you but a joy for us, thank you Rose :) I am so sorry that you've had to deal with these very hard health issues. It must be frustrating for Roger not being able to do these things he probably enjoyed doing. And hard on you too because we feel every angst our partners do. I'm ready for Fall too.

  12. If Fall comes then winter .... then around here it will heat up sgain all too soon. I'm with you on a cooler chsnge in season.

    I bet your quilt will be great. Don't be so hard on yourself.

  13. Hello, your quilt is looking beautiful. I love the fall but I am not a fan of winter. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead!

  14. Glad they finally fixed the awning! Terry says every single day he wishes his health were better. The doc said his Afib probably caused his mini stroke. It killed him that we have paid almost $1000 in car repairs this month because he has always been able to do our car repairs. I tell him that we are lucky to have found an honest repairman.

    Your quilt looks good. I am hoping to find a class for FMQ. I know there are plenty of tutorials around, but I do better one on one when it involves machine adjustments.

    People don't know or don't care that some things they say to their children stick with them. My mother always told me that I break everything I touch. That's why my machines intimidate me with fear that I will break them. Not LOL.

    Have a great week. We are getting that heat too.
    xx, Carol

  15. I like your quilt. Hope the contractor has everything done up as soon as possible. Looking forward to autumn colours.


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