
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Mixed bits....

I don't even know where to much I want to share but it is all odds and ends of things.  But I am going to proceed or I will end up forgetting something.

I came across the above over at By Stargoose and Hanglands.  I found it so wonderful I had to share.  I will never think of harp music the same way again...and I had never heard of a kora.  It is a West African instrument.


I came across the above quite by accident.  Talk about a horse loving to do what it does.   Not to mention a great rider!  The bridle comes off, but the horse and rider continue on as if he has all the control in the world, when in reality the horse could have done anything she wanted.  He was disqualified because he put two hands on the reins to pull the bridle up where she could not step on and trip herself or whatever.  But it was her last ride doing this and he wanted to let her finish it the ride.

I picked this up at the bookstore fact, I paid for it twice.  I thought the total high, but most times I say something and I am wrong...and about half the time it is me thinking that it isn't enough and they have missed scanning something.  I have started trying to hold my tongue.  But I got out to the car and checked the receipt and there it was charged twice.  I took the receipt back in and they refunded the money.

Anyway, it is the first quilt book/magazine I have bought in years.   Anyway, no one I know likes the modern quilts.

Things such as the above....I just love the color and no holds barred approach.  A lot of modern quilts use big blank spaces to let the eye rest such as seen in this quilt.  And it gives room to do some fancy quilting if you want.  But I am not going to go on and on...Modern quilting means different stuff to different people.  I just wanted to show the book.
We came home from the book store and the New Orleans Saints game was on the TV...I got out daughter's Lotus quilt and set to work on the binding.  I worked on the binding for the rest of the game and for at least an hour or two after the game..  I did one whole side.  So I am half way done.  If I could just work every night that way, it would be done by Thanksgiving.

I have sat here for half an hour.  I know I am forgetting something.  But maybe it will come back to me and I can use it in another blog post.

In case I don't post again, I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. I follow a number of modern quilt their work but I have no idea how I would start/make my own.

  2. That piece of harp music is lovely. John has a nice blog too. I like some modern quilts but I have not made one yet. You are really making progress on the binding on your daughter's quilt. That is a good thing to do in front of TV. This will be a busy week with Thanksgiving. I have lots of preparations and baking to get done. I hope you and your family have a great holiday. I am thankful for wonderful blogs like yours!

  3. Too bad about being charged twice for the same magazine but hopefully you'll get lots of inspiration from it.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  4. The harps, and the ones who are playing them are amazing! they have perfected their playing. I have never seen a quilt like this, so I am not familiar with this type for sure. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  5. The music is beautiful. I love and enjoy the horse show. That is a great horse and its a pity he was disqualified.

  6. Hello,

    My hubby is always checking the receipts before he even leaves the store. There are so many mistakes. The quilt is pretty, I like the colors. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  7. Neat videos.
    Wishing you and Roger and very Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. I always enjoy posts with bits and pieces.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  9. the horse made me cry. so beautiful and smart and her last ride. glad you found a book even if you did pay twice. the modern quilt on the link would make my OCD me crazy... it's pretty but not for me... glad you got a lot of work done during the game

  10. Great watching the horse. Amazing.

  11. I enjoyed both the videos, but watching the horse was a bit more my style. :~) Having something in my hands to work on when I watch t.v. really helps keep me from nodding off. But, sometimes nothing helps. :~)

  12. I love quilts but it's something I've never tried to make. Love the new book! Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Oh wow, what a horse and rider video, and a momentous last ride. Amazing! A very enjoyable read Rose, and I wish you and your Loved Ones a Very Happy Thanksgiving!


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