
Monday, December 16, 2019

A finish

I have had this about 2/3's or 3/4's finished for over a month at least.  I had to set the sewing machine back to regular sewing and just had not gone back down and started.  This evening I had to do a load of laundry, and there it sat in a pile on my cutting table.  Since we have 4 or 5 inches of snow on the ground, and I had shoveled the sidewalks...I thought I am not going anywhere, I am free to work.

I got the load of clothes going, and got the machine sat up, and by the time the clothes had been washed and through the dryer, the quilting was finished.  I had done decided to not even use a binding.  Instead I left enough of the backing to flip to the front and sew down.  but I am not showing you that.  I did not take my time, I did not try to do a good job.  I just wanted it finished.  And finished it is, and has been washed and dried.    I like it better now that it has been washed....but I still am not proud of it.


The latest Simon's Cat video above...

The above was the video that got me hooked on Simon's Cat videos.  It is so Bubbie that it is not even funny.  And it is still one of the better videos though there are a few that are just as funny.


  1. I don't see anything wrong with the quilt. It looks beautiful and complex. We have been watching Simon's Cat and laughing! We both love him, and had not seen these new ones.

  2. Finished is better than perfect, the saying goes. I think your quilt looks wonderful!

  3. A beautiful quilt. Always fun and entertaining watching cartoon video.

  4. I'm sad you're not proud of it, quilting the spiral is a lot of work and not easy. I think it's a great cheerful quilt!

  5. Wow...I am so impressed with your work!

  6. The quilt looks lovely. Glad you got it done.
    The Simon cat videos are so funny - that old one is Coogie for sure. He does everything he can to get me up at EXACTLY the same time every morning. I will play along and ignore him and he gets all in my face! So funny.

  7. I so enjoyed seeing the Simon's Cat cartoons. Used to watch them years ago but had forgotten all about them.
    Your quilt looks lovely even if you are not happy with it. Sometimes it is good just to get something finished rather than have it nagging at us. Mxx

  8. I absolutely love those videos! The quilt is beautiful I love the pattern, I'm sure the binding is just fine, we are our own worst enemies as far as criticism goes on our own work aren't we? I know I am :)

  9. I am with everyone else, the quilt IS beautiful.. I am sure you see things we would never notice but it looks great to me... glad it is finished so you can stop thinking about it not being finished. that last video is the reason I have never had a cat. I like cats, but not when they walk on me at night, a dog I can train to not get on the bed, you know how that would work with cats.. my cousin had 2 that did this bounce in the middle of the night. when we were kids I could go back to sleep but now if I wake up I am UP

  10. You should be so proud of that quilt! It's beautiful! I would be tickled to death to say I had made it. I sat here and laughed until I cried watching that Simon video. Isn't that just like a cat.

  11. Like the previous comments, I think the quilt is lovely.
    I can understand, though, just wanting some project to be DONE.


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