
Friday, December 13, 2019


Last weekend, the kids took Lorelei to Indy to see some of the Christmas lights...this is her and one of her friends.  I know it does not show her very well, but you can tell she is all about being crazy.  Any time I try to take a picture of her, she makes crazy faces.  She is a happy child, and I pray she stays that way.

I get to pick her up from school in a bit...we have no real plans.  I need to see if I have all the ingredients for cookies cause we might make some.  I would love to have some peanut butter cookies.  I love chocolate chip cookies, and oatmeal cookies, but peanutbutter cookies might be my favorite.

Oh, and the Chocolate no bake cookies.  When Lorelei's mom was young, she had a friend that lived over on the next street.  A lot of times when they got together, they made the No Bake cookies...they might have to go from one house to the other to find all the ingredients, but they would find them.  I cannot have the the No bake cookies without I think of them...


The other night when I posted pics of the orange, it had made me think about when I worked at the orchard.  There were two or three old ladies here in town that would call my boss and tell her they would really like to have some apples but had no way coming to get them.  She would ask me if I minded dropping some off to them as I came home.  As small as this town is, if they had lived on the complete opposite end of town, it would not have been much out of my way.  So, I always brought them.

It is funny, the difference in people.  The one lady that lives closest to me was well off enough to go to Florida in the winter.  She would barely step out of the door to get the apples and not have two words to say, would offer me a couple dollars for bringing them.  I did not really want anything, but you could tell she would have begrudged it if I had taken it.

Then there was Anna...she always wanted me to come in, always offered me a drink, and tried her best to pay me.  She hated that I wouldn't and finally after the third or four time, insisted that I take $5.  And she was not getting the apples for herself so much, as the nurses that came to take care of her husband who was housebound.  It was like walking into a room of sunshine to go visit her.  And she had a neighborhood cat that came to visit and he had six toes.

Then I had one lady that I only remember delivering to once or twice.  She was little bitty, and made me think of a chickadee or nuthatch, just flitting about.  Had such a bubbly personality.  And was old...I think at least in her 70's if not 80's.  For the life of me, I cannot remember what she had been in her life, but she is one person I would have loved to know better.  But what stuck with me is she told me she loved any fruit and ate ALL of it....the peelings and all.  Even oranges and bananas.  I will never forget that as long as I live.  But she said she shared the apples with the kids of the neighborhood.


Did you see the moon night before last?  Isn't it gorgeous?  The Full Cold Moon...
It is not long till I go get Lorelei...I need to see if Roger is going with me or staying here.  I need to remember to take my kindle to read if I want.  Well, I won't be taking it...the battery needs to be recharged...I am reading The Hunters of the Hills by Joseph A. old book.  I have read several of his books and enjoyed them all.


  1. My goodness kiddo is getting soooooo big!
    I love the apple stories. People are sure funny. Yes, the moon was gorgeous as was the sunset last night and the sunrise yesterday (I think). God sure does pretty work!

  2. I bought a take it with me charger, just a couple of bucks. you keep it charged and you can take phone or e reader with you and read while it charges. I use it a lot.
    isn't it odd how something like the apples will bring back memories from the distant past.. we watched that big moon each morning on the way to the Y.. it was huge and bright. I have never heard of eating banana peelings, but have the apple and oranges.. and some eat the skin of the peach, but I don't.

  3. I can't imagine eating orange peels!!

    Yes, the moon was amazing. So bright outside all night.

    Baking cookies sounds like a fine idea.

  4. Enjoy your time with you young sweetie! Cookie making is a great way to spend time together.

  5. What wonderful memories you have of this job, and the people you dealt with! Lorelei has grown so much that I didn't recognize her. Good picture of the moon...WAH, I missed it!

  6. Rose, you make me laugh! So this woman was really old, in her 70's if not 80's. Hmmmm. I'm 74 and I don't feel old even though I know I look it. I just had to chuckle when I read that.

  7. It is interesting to see how very different people can be. The happy ones are ones that draw people to them.

  8. Never thought I would see the day I didn't recognize Lorelei. Is that her on the left or right? Whichever...she has sure grown up. Oh, people really are different. I'm amazed at how different folks are in different counties around here. The county we live in now has the strangest people I've ever been around. Poppy says so too. :)

  9. My granddaughters and I made cookies this evening. They have making thumbprint cookies down to a fine art! :~) What a joy granddaughters are! I know you will be enjoying your sweet one, too!

  10. I couldn't recognize Lorelei as she has grown so much. There are all kinds of funny people with all kinds of characters and behaviour. I used to eat my apples with the skin but no more because of the wax they spray on them before they were exported. I don't think I want to eat banana together with the skin.

  11. Loved reading how the different ladies reacted - I am so glad we were all created so different to each other or the world would be so boring!
    We always ate apple skins, and often the pips as well, but I would never eat banana peel, and only eat orange peel if it has been candied first (which is delicious!).

  12. Sometimes I wonder how I will be remembered. Will the little girl down the street remember that I saved a butterfly for her to take to Show and Tell? Or that I helped her get into her house when I saw that she was having trouble when she came home from school? There are so many things that Terry and I have done regarding our neighbors. I hope we are remembered well. On FB one of our neighbors referred to Terry as the old man across the street. That kind of stung. Not the NICE man, or the KIND man, but the OLD man. I enjoy your posts especially your memories. I think I'll bake cookies today.
    Merry Christmas
    xx, Carol

  13. Hari OM
    For some reason, the Scottish phrase, "If we could see oorselves as ithers see us" sprang to mind on reading your memories! That you remember these ladies lends to them an immortality. We should all be so fortunate. YAM xx

  14. The tree behind Indy and Lorelei looks fantastic! I really liked the story, told to match the apples.
    Wow, I didn't know it was a full moon?

  15. Oh my goodness has she grown :) I did see the moon, and as always I love reading your stories of memories.

  16. It's funny how different people can be. And a little sad.

  17. The girls look like teenagers already.
    I read through this blog and you oranges one. Very good. You are such an interesting author. Yes you are! You have a way with words that I can picture what you are saying. I think I I see what people say before I hear it. Weird I know.
    you have a good week too

  18. I love old books, Rose. The older the better. And your memory of the lady eating the fruit peels and all, reminded me of the first time a friend told me that her mother ate every last bit of an apple, all except the stem, and sometimes she'd eat that too. There's lots of goodness in the skin and peel of things, I guess. I have a recipe for Christmas relish that is so good. All you do is process together an entire well-washed orange -- cut in quarters, with only the seeds removed -- and however many raw fresh cranberries you want, then add white sugar to taste to make a lovely, bright, tart-sweet relish. It's so good beside turkey or ham, and just a spoonful or two is all you need. Really nice and so festive. And don't get me started on no-bake cookies! Haaahaha ... Merry Christmas to you and yours. xoxo


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