
Saturday, April 18, 2020


I got the binding sewn to the quilt....all that is left is to flip it to the back and hand stitch it down.  I would actually be pretty easy to stitch it by machine. but I will enjoy the hand stitching.


We actually went for a drive this afternoon...headed up to one of my favorite places...what we call the swampy area.  There were Wood Ducks and Canada Geese, and I saw a Great Blue Heron in the distance.

When we first got there, there were half a dozen of the Wood Ducks right beside the road.  But the minute I slowed down and rolled down my window, they flew away.  This guy was too far away to hold steady on.  But you can at least see that he is a Wood Duck.

I saw three pairs of Canada Geese and heard more....

It was so nice to be out and see a some nature.  I did not see a single turtle...I don't know when I will start seeing them again.  I saw 5 or 6 of them I seen on our way there, and I think I saw the same one on the way home.

And I spotted two more Bald Eagle nests...the one I could not see anything on, but this one had one on the nest.  Both nests today are where I have room to pull off the road and look.  The only thing with this one, I didn't have much room to look without a bunch of bushes obstructing my view.  And it was so far away, I could not really tell that that stem is in front of it till I downloaded the pics.  There will be a slightly better view later on my other blog later tonight.   I also saw two Bald Eagles in flight.

All in all this has been a good day...I really needed some time out and seeing something different for a change.

When we had been home a while, Lorelei sent me the above pic.  When she was around 2 and 3 yrs. old, this little Chick went everywhere with her!  And heaven forbid that it be forgotten.

I cannot see it/think of it without laughing.  It also went to bed with her.  She would come here to spend the night, and of course the chick went to bed with us.  Well, she would play with it, and sometimes actually hide it, other times she would lose it. And she would have me up at all hours looking for that Chick!  Sometimes it would get between the layers of the cover, other times she would have slid it down between the bed and the wall.    It is funny now, but it was not funny being woken at 3:00 a.m. with an upset toddler...and having to find this little thing.  It would fit on my hand...there were times I had to take the cover off to fine it.  Now it is just a fun memory.
I hope your weekend is good...


  1. What a rare picture you took! A Bald Eagle on the nest! Sweet memories of her little chick.

  2. What great pictures you brought home. The picture of the beautiful wood duck is very good, I think. The bald eagle on his/her nest had to be one of the highlights of your day. But, it seems you had many today...from the quilt binding to the Chick picture from your sweet girl.

  3. I love hand stitching too, especially like stitching the binding down. Bet it felt good to get out and see the different birds. We are so excited that a pair of wood ducks are hanging around our pond. We've been seeing the female fly into the duck box that we put up years ago. It's about time. Hope we get to see baby ducks soon. That little stuffed chick of Lorelei's is so cute. I can just see her with it. Lorelei has always reminded me of my granddaughter Madison. Madison would spend the night and sleep with me. She would talk until I could hardly hold my eyes open. I sure miss those days.

  4. You got a great picture of the Eagle on the nest. We saw an Eagle flying over today and there was a crow that was harassing it. I thought to myself that if that Eagle just turned and went after the crow it could have finished it off in a minute. Can you tell I don't care much for crows?
    Lorelei's duckie is so cute. I hope she keeps it till she's old and gray. Lorelei, not the duckie.

  5. Wonderful sightings of ducks and eagle on your drive. Here, only 1 person from each family is allowed to go out for essentials, unless its an emergency or for medical reasons. The are road blocks to monitor and those without valid reasons will be summoned or taken to court.

  6. Oh, the stories we all have about children and their "best friends"! :)
    Your wetlands look like an awesome place to watch for birds.
    Keep smiling, Mxx

  7. Your pictures are beautiful - especially the bald eagle! That quilt is going to be so cute!

  8. Hello, Cute story about Lorelei and the chick. I would like birding at your swampy area. Great sighting of the wood ducks and eagle on the nest. Enjoy your day, wishing you a healthy new week!

  9. My goodness what wonderful pictures. I can't imagine seeing an eagle like that. You definitely have a gift and a great set of eyes.

  10. Time in nature and a sweet memory from your granddaughter were the perfect medicine for these times I’d bet.

  11. what a wonderful outing from a drive. had to be thrilling just seeing all the wildlife and getting out of the house. love the story of the chick and fond memories and glad you had a good day . outing binding and memories. all good things. stitching will give you something to pass the time

  12. Getting out in nature is always therapeutic . That little chick reminds me of two little critters my granddaughter has. They are like a little square blanket with a stuffed head in the middle. One is a sheep, the other a frog. She has had them to bed with her since she was a baby, and at 14, still occasionally has them in bed with her.

  13. So nice that you got out and got some great pictures.
    I'd love to see a wood duck - never have!

  14. love the bald eagle with his extra adornment above his head...a bit like a type of crown or tiara

  15. I like your picture of the wood duck. Mallards seem to be everywhere. It's nice to see another kind of duck! And the eagle's nest is a great find.


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