
Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Well, one project is finished, but I won't show it for a few the meantime I will continue to make a few of these along:

I have a 3 or 4 more I have not put up...but I must have miscounted...I would have sworn I counted 50. and I have made a few more since then.  I will have to look and see if I have misplaced some.  One thing, this has really shown me hat I like polka-dots.  Or maybe I should say dots.  I cannot think how many different dots are in this.  And some are not exactly dot but are flowers in a circle.  (Scroll on down to see another pic...I found the other blocks)


You have ever right/reason to be afraid of this.  It is a Brown Recluse.  Expand the view to see it better. Lorelei's mom was moving a computer tower at work.  Had moved it, and was going to bend over and grab the cables and saw this just in time!  I did not ask her what she did with it.  She normally carries spiders outside if she finds one at her house.  I know she wouldn't carry this in her hand, but she might have put it in a cup or something and taken it out.

It has been raining a bit tonight...I don't think it is going to rain too much.   I hope it is done by tomorrow.  I need to go pick up a few groceries.  I always go earlier in the day when there are only a few people out.  

Everyone take care....

Edited to add:

I went back in there and found my other squares laying on the step stool.  So had to take  a pic and show you!


  1. Ewwwww!I hate spiders. Just had the house sprayed today because I've had so many spiders and big carpenter ants.

    The orange peel quilt is looking great!

  2. Wow, it is finally put together! It is gorgeous!!!! I can't say the same for the spider.

  3. Oh this quilt looks grand and special! The best thing about it is the choice of colors you have here Rose! Oh and that spider scares me so much!

  4. Ugh. I am not that keen on spiders at the best of times but the thought of having poisonous ones around really gives me the creeps. I'm glad your daughter saw it in time.

  5. Hari OM
    Having dealt with redbacks and huntsman and funnel webs and such like in OZ, I too would be getting a jar and paper and sliding the spider back to the outdoors.

    That quilt is building beautifully - I like it very much! YAM xx

  6. That is so pretty. I just love the colors.
    Oh my goodness - I don't like brown recluse spiders. I am the same , and generally take spiders out - but not sure what I would do if I saw that.
    Have a good day!

  7. I really like you put each block together. I have never made an orange peel block, it looks like it would be great for scraps.
    I would have totally freaked out at that spider.

  8. before i read your post i looked at pics, always do. I was already with this comment in my head before i read. if you make me one, i want all of it to be those black and white circles with all the leaves colors of burgundy.... they are my favorites. that spider needs to die! YIKES. glad she saw it.

  9. We have Brown Recluse around here and they scare me to death. I worked many years in a medical office and saw the kind of damage they can do, it is not pretty.

    The leaf blocks are just beautiful! You have worked so hard on this for such a long time. I hope this is one you are making for yourself!

  10. That is one spider you don't want to come across.
    The leaves are turning out great. I love poke a dots!

  11. I love how that quilt is shaping up. Such pretty colours.

  12. That will make a lovely quilt. As for the spider, well, let’s just say if I had been there, his life would have ended right there.

  13. I love dots too. The darker colors you have used for the blocks are wonderful. I could wear those. I am wondering where you shop for such delightful pieces.

  14. That spider had to be squished! I hate spiders & snakes. Your quilt is priceless.

  15. Scary and dangerous spider? Thank God Lorelei's mum saw it in time. Pretty quilt. Have a great week.

  16. The quilt is coming along beautifully. Glad you found the missing piece.
    I got bit by a Hobo Spider--similar to a recluse--I think. An ugly oozing sore. The books said it would last 3 months or three years. Mine was3 months and then it started healing.

  17. Hello,

    That is a scary spider, do not want a bite from that spider.
    Love the leaves, they look so pretty. Wishing you a happy day!

  18. Your quilt is truly a work of art Rose. So glad that your daughter found the spider. Not one to have around that's for sure.

  19. I love that pieces for the quilt! It looks very bright and modern to me. I was always the rescuer of creepy crawlers at my office, too. Don't know what I'd do with Mr. Recluse!

  20. I LOVE the quilt but HATE the spider.


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