
Friday, August 21, 2020


 We had to delay getting Lorelei.  Someone in her grade had tested positive for Covid.  We do not know if it is anyone she has had contact with.  I am not sure how many different classrooms there are for her grade, but there is a chance it is not someone she has contact with.  

She has been sending me pics...

Isn't Kitty Soft Paws beautiful...I think she is about the prettiest cat I ever saw.

This is funny to me...Kitty Soft Paws has so much fur, yet she is still choosing to lay in the sun.

On the other hand, if Rosie is resting, she wants in your lap or in a quilt or blanket.


I had did some cooking earlier in the day  till I would not have to cook when we got home from getting Lorelei .  Then in the afternoon, I played a little bit with scraps of fabric. I don't really like that huge chunk of green on the tip on one side, but I was not changing it.

I think I will make a potholder with it, but that is not set in stone.  I just wanted to play with fabric a bit...and this was as far as I got in my thinking.  That is about it for now...


  1. I love your choice of ptterns and colors for this. So sorry about Lorelei! Has she said whether she has had ontact with the other child?

    1. They did not learn who the child was, so they dont know if it was someone she had been near.

  2. Too bad you had to postpone the visit but you do have to be careful. I'm afraid the schools are going to have a lot of trouble with Covid this year, but I hope not. I love the pictures of Kitty Soft Paws and Rosie - they are both so cute! The leaf looks great and would make a perfect potholder! I've thought about doing a table runner in a similar style.

  3. Hopefully Lorelei can come soon. I know how you look forward to those visits. Kitty Soft Paws is a beautiful cat.

  4. I have decided that 2020 stinks (I want to use a stronger word but I'm being nice). I hope Lorelei is safe and can visit soon.

    Love the leaf! How did you make it?

  5. Sorry that you can't have Lorelei with you for the time being. Hope she was not in contact with the other student and is safe and well. Cute to see Kitty Soft Paws and Rosie and their resting style.

  6. Hello

    I am sorry you can visit with Lorelei! I love the cute furbabies, they are adorable. The leaf is so pretty, it is a lovely pot holder.
    Take care, stay safe! Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  7. I guess better to be safe than sorry in these days. I do go out (with mask) but would not intentional go around someone who MAY have been infected. I stay my distance no matter where I go - even with my neighbors.

  8. I'm sorry you don't get to have your visit and sure hope she hasn't been exposed. I still think it's a little crazy trying to send kids back to school in the middle of a pandemic. Kitty Soft Paws is gorgeous. She reminds me of my kitty Missy, love the little Rosie too. Playing with fabric or any kind of art is therapeutic, especially these days. I hope you have a nice weekend :)

  9. About the pattern for the leaf. Pitch Perfect the way it is and I really like it that we make a beautiful part holder! Real live leaves are not perfect so this one should not be either. So sorry that Lorelei didn't get to come and visit and I hope that soon she'll be able to come. And that cat is absolutely gorgeous. And I love the name Kitty softpaws and Rosie is so precious and I really really love the picture of them on the steps together it made me smile and smile. If softpaws was sitting up I think she is bigger than Rosie. I enjoyed all three photos tell Lorelai to keep them coming

  10. You are really creative when you play with fabric. I could never do that. It's so pretty. Those pictures are adorable! You're right about soft paws, he is beautiful. Hate to hear that about the virus showing up and you couldn't get Lorelei. Do you think this mess will ever go away!

  11. I hope your granddaughter wasn’t exposed to Covid so you can see her soon. It must have been disappointing not to see her. I know how I’d feel!

    Those are two cute creatures!

  12. I did not like the sound of you saying, you were going to have your grand daughter at your home.

    We just do not know, what anyone, has come in contact with.

    And this proves it.

    Best wishes for her not to be infected, and thus, her to have brought it home, to her family.

    You are so very, very lucky, that this was discovered, before you got her.



  13. Sorry to hear about your granddaughter. My granddaughter is in second grade and in mandatory distance learning (classrooms are closed). I'm hearing that may be changing in the next couple weeks. Fingers crossed! Rosie remind me of our chihuahua. Always wants to be on our lap.

  14. Sweet photos of Rosie and Kitty Soft Paws. I really like the leaf.

  15. I'm sorry Lorelei couldn't come over after all. Besides being disappointing it's worrisome. I hope she'll be okay.

    The scrap leaf looks great! I wonder what it will turn out to be.

  16. Love seeing you get back to creating an "art quilt block" no the design of it as well.

    That's not good re: Lorelei, but at least you as a family are doing the right thing. And she hasn't forgotten that you need the furry family pictures.

  17. Looks like Lorelei is taking after Gramma with the picture taking. Love the flowers in your previous post. Laughing babies are so funny. I like the table for the babies.

  18. If ever there is a need for a foster home for kitty, I'm at the top of the list. (love little rosie, too!)

    Your work looks like an autumn leaf.

    Hope your g-daughter has no symptoms & all's well.

  19. I have so many feelings about Covid. Lots of fears too. Not so much for me and those close to me, but for this country and this world. I would not say more because then it becomes political. Sorry that Lorelei might have been exposed. Sorry you missed your I am feeling sorry for everything. (But not depressed)
    xx, Carol

  20. Sorry you didn't get to see Lorelei, but better to be safe.

    All the best Jan


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