
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Pics of this and that...


We are really enjoying this hibiscus.  It does not have near as many blooms as the pink one.  But usually has one or two, and one day had four!

I am still have some beautiful coneflower blooms.  Love them!


I have been cutting  2 1/2 inch squares from scraps and the triangles to go with them and played with a few the other day.  Roger really liked this block.  I have heard this block called different things, but my favorite is Sister's Choice.  I think if I should decide to make more, that I will try to not make it quite as scrappy as this.  Right at this present time, I still want to get the backing made for my current quilt top.

My brother and his wife came down and spent the day had been a long time since we had seen each other to visit. 
I got the gutter part of the front awning did today.  So glad to have it done.  Neighbors came over and set a while when they seen me sitting down for a few minutes.  We have hardly visited since Covid hit.

I had to put away the the ladder, the hose, and some tools I had had to use...and came in and was warming up leftover chili for our supper.  Lorelei texted, and wants to come spend the weekend.  What more could a person ask for!  We meet half way and get her so it is not very time consuming for either her mom or us.

I will leave you with something that will bring a smile to your heart.

The video I embedded can only be seen by watching it at youtube....if you want to watch it, it is HERE.  It is only about a minute long.


  1. That is a gorgeous Hibiscus Rose and the Coneflower is a beauty too! Love the quilt and glad you've had some company. I tried to watch the video at the end but it says it's unavailable. Have a great evening :)

  2. The flowers are lovely, especially the hibiscus with its deep red color. I have a coneflower of the same color as yours. When I first planted it it looked a big straggly. Hubby pulled it thinking it was a weed. When I told him it was a new coneflower he quickly replanted it. It had been 24 hours but we did it anyway and gave it some extra TLC. It came back the next year flourishing. Your quilt square is very pretty, and I liked the name you picked, Sister’s Choice. How great you got to spend some time with your brother and his wife. I know my husband misses his sister and will enjoy seeing her again. It has been too long. How nice to get together with your neighbor also. Our neighborhood has been so quiet, I haven’t seen anyone around for a long time. Enjoy your weekend with Lorelei, such a sweet gift :) Thank you for ending with the darling video, so adorable! I couldn’t get it to work at first but went over to YouTube and typed the title in. It came right up and I was able to watch it.

  3. Your Hibiscus is gorgeous! And I really like the colors in your block. This vdeo is crazy!! That dad will have a stiff next the next morning, I bet.

  4. That has to be the cutest video ever. That couple has their hands full. Bless them. Having fun anyway!

    How nice to get time with your brother and a neighbour. And your sweetie this weekend! Enjoy!

  5. I love that gorgeous Hibiscus.Glad you got to chat with some family and friends. That is refreshing.

  6. The quilt square made up of small squares looks great. Sister's Choice. That has a nice ring to it.

  7. The hibiscus is just beautiful and I am always amazed at the quality of photographs you get of your flowers! I love that block too. Changing the fabric used in it can change the look of it quite a bit. It is a very versatile block.

  8. I love the scrappy block too. Your Hibiscus is gorgeous! Great picture!

  9. Gorgeous hibiscus. Well matched block for your quilt.

  10. Hello,

    I love the hibiscus and the coneflower, pretty blooms. The quilt square looks beautiful. I am happy for you, that Lorelei is coming for a visit. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend!

  11. since I am very close to my sister, I love sister's choice too. and your block is terrific! be careful on that ladder! I know you are.

    And enjoy your weekend with your granddaughter! How fun.

  12. What a wonderful collection of objects you have shared with us. I was thinking about why Roger particularly liked the block, and I thought it feel manly in wearing a suit and tie to work - a preciseness of it all, but not in a bad way...
    And it sounds like life in your neck of the woods is mellowing into the new normal or similar...

  13. Such beautiful flowers. I meant to mention the curtains in your last post. They are really pretty and I like how they puddle.

  14. Nothing better than baby laughter!! I bought a hibiscus when we moved here. I loved mine so much back in Indiana. Dang cows got in the back yard where it was planted and ate it!! The nub died. I'm done. I may plant pots on our deck next year. The frosts start here in November and end in March. I'll like THAT!! So glad for you that you will have (had) a visitor for the weekend. I'm so behind on reading.
    xx, Carol


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