
Saturday, September 26, 2020

My sewing buddy

 Last night I was trying to work with my hexies, and Bubbie wanted to be close to he is half asleep.

Speaking of hexies:

They are  hexagon shaped pieces of paper about the weight of some card stock.  They need to be stiff to keep the hexagon shape.

They are lain on a fabric 

And I use a ruler to cut around them, allowing for a seam allowance.  Normally, a quarter inch seam allowance is critical in quilting but in this not so much.

I use a pin to pair the hexie with its fabric... 

Next the 'seam allowance' is folded over the hexie and I baste it in place.

Later they will be whip stitched together, in my case to form a flower.

I am worn out tonight...going to close now....without a video or anything funny.  I hope you all are having a nice weekend.


  1. He is SO sweet! You are really blessed to have each other. I could never do something that required this much math and measuring!

  2. Such a cute kitty :) Looks like a good helper too! Lots of tedious work with the hexagons, but I'm sure the finished effort is well worth it.


  3. Your kitty is trying to see what has been stealing your attention from him. I too did the same thing with the paper hexagon. You have refreshed my memory of those days of quilting. Have a great Sunday.

  4. Hello,

    Bubbie is a great helper, cute too. I have never quilted, it looks interesting. The finished piece looks so pretty. Have a great day!

  5. Bubbie is a doll baby. The hexies look like they would be so difficult. I admire your quilting skills.

  6. That looks like a lot of work! Bubbie's my kinda cat!!

  7. Hope you had a good rest. Bubbie is a cutie!

  8. Bubbie is so precious. Those hexies look like a lot of work. Hope you got some rest. Happy Sunday :)

  9. Bobby is so precious! And a lot of company I am sure! And I love the colors and the hexi flower that you're making it's really beautiful. So how do you get the heck C pattern out of there

  10. I love the picture of Bubbie with you as you sew. Every cat I have had has been a sewing cat and always stayed as close as possible when I was sewing. I like your hexie flowers. I hope you got some rest last night.

  11. Maybe this is a weird question but do you leave the paper in the hexie? If you do, what happens when you wash the quilt?

  12. You are so talented. All the beautiful designs you come up with.

  13. I'm so glad that Bubbie is supervising you - and making you do some "making" - going to love seeing your hexies develop and evolve...

  14. Bubbie is such a sweet kitty. Dumperoo is my sewing buddy. Sometimes it gets to be a's hard to sit at the sewing maching with a cat in your lap and I can't hurt his feelings. You are amazing at piecing quilts. That hexie is so pretty. It makes no sense to me. Guess I will stick with aprons. I do want to make a quilt using just squares sewn together...and don't know where to begin on even that.

  15. Bubbie is gorgeous! He looks like he is saying "If I wasn't here to help you, you would be making all kinds of mistakes" :))

  16. Bubbie is a really cute sewing buddy :) I found your hexagon process very interesting. Fascinating how it all comes together and such pretty results.

  17. You have a nice hexie companion. Looks like there was purring involved.
    I've been away from blogging, but have come back. It's nice to see everyone's creativity.

  18. Thanks for the tutorial---my sewing machine is locked up and put way far away. LOL
    Good works though

  19. What a sweet looking buddy you have. - Mine lay on my desk or my chair etc. making it hard to get much done at times. - Nice start to the quilt.

  20. Your sewing buddy is a cutie.

    All the best Jan


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