
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Out of my natural element...

 I am at my daughter's house, taking care of Delta while she is away for work.  

Thought I might as well share this short video on here, since I just mentioned her....I had watched The Journey of Natty Gan the night before I tried to watch the above video, Iron Will.  She really enjoyed The Journey of Natty Gan, but it did not hold a candle to this.  I had to turn it off because she got so excited, I was afraid she was going to tear something up.  She would bark and bark, and grab her toy and shake it, then hold it and raise up on the shelf there thinking she could offer it to those huskies and them play with her.  Also along this line, she recognizes animals whether it be real ones, or cartoon ones.  Remember that.

She is so funny.  Daughter house is two stories...she watches the comings and goings of the neighborhood from the window in in her office that looks out to the street.  If something gets out of her sight there, she is up the steps like a flash to get a better view from the upstairs window.  and she knows enough to go from one room that faces one way to the other if they turn a certain way.

My daughters live about 3 miles apart, and when time permits, they walk together.  And most of the time they take Delta.  Sarah said, "Mom she is something else."  She said she never pays attention to other dogs...only if it is a German Shepherd.  

Remember the statement about her recognizing cartoon animals.  They passed one of those 'No dogs doing their business signs' know the one I am talking about.  Showing a dog in that position.  Delta seen the sign and ran over and poked it with her nose!


I had several things to tell about but am having a hard time remembering them.  I thought I would share the above pic from the 29th...this is from the driver's seat as I drove to Crawfordsville.  Being here I had to go a new route, and let me tell you, I sure enjoyed it.  I was so afraid that there would be a lot of traffic on this road, but I doubt I seen over a dozen vehicles on this road.  How I wish I could have captured the farm scenes and the atmosphere.  It was just glorious.

Lots of fields of soy beans have been harvested, as well as some corn...such wide open spaces.  I always think how happy farmers must have been to find this rich soil.  

I would have loved to have stopped and taken some good shots...these are while I drove.  I just sort of glance at my screen and shoot.   I have a whole lot more bad shots than good.  And the 'good' ones could always be better.  Anyway, I could not stop...I had to continue to the dermatologist...and not knowing what all kinds of construction I might run into, I had given myself lots of time.  

I got up there early enough to run into Walmart and pick up a few items, then continued on the doctor.  She took a mole off.  She does not think it is anything, but it was very close to where I had a mole that was skin cancer a few years ago.  I think she did it till I would quit worrying.  And it is not like I worry about it constantly.  Really, just once in a blue moon a second of real dread will pop up.  But am now waiting on the pathology results so I would appreciate prayers for it not to be anything.


OH!  I know what I wanted to share.  A good feeling story.  The other morn, I took Roger through the drive thru at McDonald's.  I was in the outside lane and had placed our order and was heading on to the pay window.  Well the lady on in the inside lane finished her order and I swear I thought she was going to just hit me.  I stopped, and there was bare enough room for her to go on when the car ahead of us went.  

I told Roger, 'Look at her!  I think she would have run over me if I had gone on!'  He realized it was happening and agreed with me.  But for one I did not even get really aggravated. When the car ahead went on, I just let her go...thought maybe she was running late.

I got to the window, and she had paid for our breakfast, too!  

That is it for this post....I am having a hard time concentrating.  Have not read a single line of a book since being here!  Just hard for me to settle in somehow.

Hope you guys have a good weekend...


  1. Wow, Delta is one very smart girl! I love your photos and love the story about the lady in a hurry too. That's awesome :)

  2. Your feel good story is wonderful . I'm guessing she was hurrying to get ahead so she could pay for you.

  3. The dog is pretty special. I think there are many people who underestimate the intelligence of dogs and many other animals.

    Good thoughts sent your way about the mole.

    I always have trouble settling in to my daughter’s place when I stay overnight. I guess it’s the change in setting etc. I am a creature of habit.

  4. Delta sounds like she has a great personality and also sounds like she's a handful! How cute with her identifying other dogs no matter what form she sees them in. That was nice that the lady paid for your meal at McDonald's. Maybe she realized what she did by almost hitting you and wanting to make amends!


  5. Delta is quite a dog! I bet she loves having her Grandma stay with her!

    I'm glad you didn't get hit in the McDonald's line but it was nice that she paid for your food. In the small town we live in people occasionally pay for one another's food in line like that.

  6. what a close call at McDonald's! You were very generous with her. Still being late is no excuse for dangerous driving like that! I will pry about your mole, for sure! I am glad you had to take a different route, love the pictures. Delta wants to run with those dogs!! She is so smart!

  7. I can't get over the flat expanse of fields. You can see forever!! We're totally surrounded by hills and mountains here although originally we lived in Manitoba where it's flat but not as flat as out your way.
    How nice that the person who almost hit your car had the decency to pay for your order.
    Here's hoping your mole is definitely not cancer.

  8. I have heard that one difference in humans and animals is that humans can reason and animals cannot. I totally disagree with that. Sometimes, when we least expect it, people can do the nicest things. What a beautiful country you have to drive through.

  9. Hello,

    The Delta video is so cute, she must only like dog tv.
    The McDonald's drive thru story is nice, glad it had a happy ending.
    Love the colorful tree and the view looking at the field.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

  10. Yay for free breakfast, her way of saying thank you for letting me go first. wow! that is a great story. Love the way Delta loves TV and she is super smart running from window to window... I have trouble reading at others houses or in a motel room. no idea why.. gorgeous views and glad the mole is GONE, prayers for it to be JUST a Mole. enjoyed your Days of not being home, share anything, we all want to hear. have another great day today

  11. That is a hoot with Delta. Funny how animals are. Coody will be in the living room watching a bird and it flies off and he runs to side window then back window to follow it - he is sure he will catch it!
    Prayers sweet Rose!!!!

  12. A nice mix in your post.
    I enjoyed the Delta video, and was pleased that the McDonald's drive thru story had a happy ending.

    All the best Jan

  13. I am glad you had the mole removed and I hope the results come back as negative. The McDonalds story is great - so nice to know there are still some generous people around. I think Delta is very clever.
    Enjoy your visit with your daughters :)

  14. I should have read before I watched the video. My dogs are going crazy because they hear your daughter's dog barking, lol. All the world is unsettled right now so don't be worried about lack of concentration. Glad you experienced an act of kindness. Just what we need more of in the world.
    Be well and be safe.
    xx, Carol

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Delta sounds like quite a dog!!
    Glad things worked out well at the drive-thru - good for you for remaining calm.
    Said a prayer for good pathology results!!

  17. Dogs are such a lot of fun! Fun video too, made me laugh so thanks for sharing it. That's great your daughters live so close to each other. Lovely scenes you took driving along. Prayers for good results. How about that, the lady in such a rush only to buy your meal? Such a nice gesture and restores our faith in humanity when unexpected things like this happen. There are a lot of good people out there for sure. Enjoy the rest of your weekend Rose :)

  18. Delta reminds me of Kaitlin & Torben's dog Tempi - who really understands much more than we think...(they are in MA county, well I think it's MA...)

    And that "pay forward breakfast" certainly made up for the anguish...

    All good in my city/New Zealand - winter has gone and spring is doing very nicely "thank you"... but I know we can't trust the weather!!!! Last week it was snowing in the South Island (i'm in the North Island)

  19. I agree with Catherine... Delta is a super smart dog and reminds me of Tempi, who lives in Massachusetts now.

  20. I enjoyed the video very much. I also liked the fact that the dog is always checking out what's happening in the 'hood thru different windows! Hope there is no concern for cancer...always scary. Oh and the free breakfast might have been intentional...a pay it forward gesture!

  21. Delta is one great dog. Would love to have one but hubby said it would be inconvenient if we want to go on holidays. Good that all turned out well at the drive thru. Take care and stay safe.

  22. Love to see the hints of fall in your area. that tree is beautiful. I love the feel-good story, too. I love to be reminded that there are nice people out there with no agenda. And Delta is a hoot!

  23. Love this post Rose! I was wondering about what you were up to! Delta is such a happy dog! I am pet sitting this week also but I spend most of my time trying to keep Lucky from chasing our cat and playing too rough with Lucy. You are certainly in my prayers regarding the mole removal.💖

  24. I loved seeing Delta enjoying herself watching tv!
    The lady paying for your bill was very kind and gives me hope for humanity.


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