
Saturday, May 1, 2021

A catch up...

 A bit of progress on my current quilt project

I have so many squares made that they won't all fit on my design wall.  I definitely need a bigger one.  I have been trying to come up with a solution.


Another picture of the moon from earlier this I wish I had the capabilities to capture it as it was.  It had a thin haze over/around it...which shows here as a softened effect.  But it was just so totally awesome to see in real see the glow through the haze around the moon.  Just beautiful.


Saw this guy back a month or two ago and only just downloaded it the other night.  He was a big one...always fun to see them.


I have not been talking about what I am reading, and that is because I have been reading this series has been a few years since I actually read them....I have read the three above, and am currently on The Lord God Made Them All....they are so well written.  There is never a point in any of the books that is boring or that I want to skip through....just excellent from beginning to end.


I have laundry going and am waiting patiently for the Kentucky Derby to begin.  I am hoping they show the stories of the horses and owners and jockeys better than they have the past couple of times.  The last time or two, all they wanted to show was who was there and what they were wearing.  I am not there to see who is there...I want to see the horses and hear about their personalities.  

Leaving you with a clip from the old show Taxi...I thought it was funny but now sure what you will think about it.


  1. I should see if my DH would want to read the James Herriot books again. It's been many years and like you say, they're never boring.
    Great shot of the Hawk. And the full moon. I totally forgot to go out and look at the moon.

  2. The video...hilarious. HE is the one that made that show in my opinion!!

    Beautiful handiwork Rose.

  3. Hello,

    Your quilt blocks are pretty, I am sure you will come up will a solution for the wall hanging.
    Your moon photo is gorgeous, I was asleep for the main event. The moon was setting behind the trees by the time I was able to see it. Taxi was a good show! Have a great weekend!

  4. Your shot of the moon looks amazing.

  5. This is a great post. I love this quilt pattern and the fabric. I forgot to look at the moon the other night, we close up the blinds and go to bed before dark! Lol. I love your photos and wish I could have seen it in person, that hawk is huge! That is a cute video clip.

  6. you might need a bigger Wall??? sorry had to say that, what about laying it out on a bed, do you have a king bed? i am looking around here and i have no where other than the bed. of course if you have to leave it there that would not work. i never watched Taxi, and watched this, and it was funny. i love to get books that i love and don't want to skip parts. read on and enjoy.. that hakw is gorgeous.

  7. Your quilt project is coming along nicely Rose and the shot of the and the hawk are both beautiful! I haven't read those books, I'll have to be on the lookout for them when I go book shopping. I loved Taxi so of course I thought it was very funny! Enjoy the weekend. :)

  8. The video is hilarious.

    The quilt looks lovely, one which anyone would love. I especially like the colours. Good design choice too.

    Really love the hawk! Great shot.

  9. I used to love Taxi. Always made me laugh.
    That pic of the moon is amazing

  10. great post - quilt, birds, books and finally the video clip! Love how he just said the answers so convincingly :-) wish I had the guts to do that at times!

  11. I use the design floor until Bella decides to "help", then I use the design spare bed cause I can shut the door on my helper. I remember reading All Creatures Great and Small in high school...if I remember right it made me cry...I decided I was too cool to read his other books even though I really like the book. HA!

  12. We always watched Taxi. This is a great fierce hawk photo. We have read all of these books, and love them. We just bought Herriot's "Cat Stories". Have you seen the T.V. series on PBS?

  13. You have such a beautiful picture of the moon. I went out and tried to get a picture but I never am able to get good moon shots. That is an excellent picture of the hawk too!

  14. Your pictures are always fantastic!!!! WOW
    Love the quilt.

  15. You got the moment of beauty in the photo. The moon is poetic. I think you had talk with the moon in silence while taking photos.

  16. Your photo is gorgeous, but I agree.... Seeing the real thing, in all its glory, is lovelier. I love a haze around the moon!!!

    Do tell us what you are reading, especially if it is re-reading. Shows how great books are.

    I am spoiled, for horse racing, because our track is covered by a "little" tv crew and show. They do just what any racing watcher wants!!! And the crew are likeable. Not the fancy people, the big shows use.

    They go to the paddock and talk about each of the horses. Have interviews after, with jockeys and trainers. Etc. I love it!!!!!

    And I have had all the more fun, for couple of years, because I began to follow the Ortiz brothers jockeys.

    Btw, we have exclusive racing, in our state, in the month of Aug., plus before and after now. And the great horses/trainers/jockeys come here. -smile-

    Don't attend. Don't bet. Just have great fun, watching on my tv. -smile-

    🌷🌷Blogs are little First Amendment machines🌷🌷

  17. Your quilt is going to turn out beautifully. I like the moon shot and the big hawk.

  18. Your quilt squares are so pretty. - The moon photo was nice and that Hawk is beautiful. - The "Taxi" video was funny. - Sorry I haven't been by as much lately. The last couple of months have just been so busy that I barely have time to look at blogs. Hoping to do better.


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