
Sunday, September 12, 2021


 This is not the greatest, even after manipulation.  But still, I like Red-winged Blackbirds.  I love their song, specially in the spring.  When we start hearing them, we know that spring really is on its way.


Sandra, over at Fourpaws did a post on her favorite things.  And I thought I could do a post on favorite things.  I could probably come close to naming 10 of my favorite posts of hers but I will limit it to just three or four that I think of often..such as Eek!  Geek Position Open,      Eek, Geek Position Open part 2,   Bloviator,  and just one more:  The Art of Love and Bickering.  There are others but these are just a few of the ones I go back to, to lighten my mood.

Their conversations are so funny simply because they make me think of Roger and me.  I really need to start writing down some of ours.  And we won't mention the times that Roger will get me going on purpose by pretending to think I say one thing when all the time he knows what I actually did say.  Or he will say 'what?' repeatedly.  


Anyway, as to favorite things, she listed 10...

1.  I love seeing/hearing from the kids.  Just a text or two really keeps me going most of the time. 

2.  Emails or letters from friends. 

3.  New books, especially memoirs about living in Alaska.  

4. Sitting on the front porch to read is a favorite thing.  It is one of the things I miss most in winter.

5. Tomatoes.  Fresh from the garden!  Or in my case this year, direct from my potted plants.

6.  I don't get to go very often...cannot even remember the last time I had a rambling drive with no destination in mind.  But I would love to be able to take at least one rambling drive a week.  They just do not happen now.

7. Photography is still a favorite...I just need to learn to find stuff here at home to photograph.

8.  The internet!  I love how so much information is at the end of our fingertips.  

9.  Quilting and sewing is a love, as you might have guessed.  I love sewing machines, and fabric and needles..just anything related.

10. And I love Psalm 139: 1-18  

Those are just a few of the things I love....what are some of yours?

Edited to add:  How could I forget Fall!  It is one of my favorite things in all life.  Thank you All is Amazing for being the first to comment and remind me.


  1. Fall is one of my favourite things with the cooler mornings and evenings sitting by a fire with a warm drink.

  2. Oh how I remember the stories and the antics Glen used to tell and play. He could weave a story that was hilarious. You have heard a few. I sure miss my talks and my silliness with him. You and Roger have always made me laugh - you had that way about you 2 as well!

    I love most all those things you mentioned. I love seeing your posts again!!!!!

  3. Hello,

    You have a great list of favorite things. I agree Sandra's post are fun to read, I enjoyed her list of favorite things too. The Red-winged Blackbirds do have a lovely sound. Great shot! Take care, enjoy your day and a happy new week!

  4. Yay you did it! I like all your things too except replace the quilt and sewing with playing in picmonkey. you know how i feel about sewing. I am going to go back now and read my post and see if i think they are funny. as far as I know i had never seen a red wing black bird until this past spring here, the trees were full of them singing and carrying on. just one Jacaranda tree, i looked them up to see what they were. looked just like your photo. glad to see this post. hugs.. I love Florida Winter and that is about like your fall weather. warm sunny days and cold but not freezing nights. I like it just cold enough to need one blanket on the bed... the 10 things today were caused by the lockdown of illness of bob and myself. those 10 will change now that we are better

  5. You have a wonderful list of favorite things and I would agree with them all! Among my most favorite things would have to be my family, my cats and really all cats, nature, trees and well, I guess I could just go on so it might be difficult to make that list! Thanks for sharing yours!

  6. That's great list. If you like memoirs of living in Alaska I wonder if you've seen the movies about Dick Pronecke. I believe they're called Alone in the Wilderness.

  7. Red winged black birds are such characters defending territory that isn't even their territory. I really like your loves.

  8. I love several of the things that you list! Especially snapping, driving and snapping and shopping.

  9. That's a good list. I like several of those things as well.

  10. My most favourite thing is "creativity" even if I've not mastered or done what ever...

  11. WHat a great post! I guess we all have some favourite things. Some of my favorites are, in no particular order. Roses,Southern Gospel music,chocolate,long country rides,peaceful sunsets,being with family,and there are many more.

  12. Love to hear Red winged black birds too. (And their red wings!!)
    Enjoying life with all your favorite things is important these days ...especially these days!!!

  13. I share many of your favourites. I would add walking on a beach.

  14. Walking, Reading, Working around HT with Kenny. Having David and Liz stop by. Going to church. Fingerprints Ministry.

  15. You did make a good list. One of my favorites things is meeting my daughters for a day. I love fall but also love spring. I suppose my very favorite things in this whole world would be sunshine, baby animals, and a barn filled with hay.

  16. This is a fun read. Right now I am looking forward to Fall, it's my favorite time of the year. Love my family and nature everywhere :) My brain is numb as I am at that tired part of the day. Can't think too much right now :)

  17. As for me, cuckoo's songs let me know summer really is on its way.

  18. A list of my favorite things would be very much like yours. I do so enjoy the evenings spent with Dan reading or watching some old movie. And,I love my walks over the hill with Millie.


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