
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Just a bit of this and that...

First a photo looking out under the wisteria!  It is loaded down with blooms this year.  And below is a close up of one of the was windy the day I took it.  And I did take this with the phone and was so surprised that it is a half decent shot.  Usually photos with things moving with wind do not turn out good.  Specially on my phone.


Can anyone guess what I have been doing?  Or rather did one day last week?  I am not proud of myself...I should have did this long ago.  I worked on clearing out Roger's closet.  Since his stroke there were so many things he did not wear any more, a lot of things that did not fit.  Some things he just did not like.  I did keep a lot of it, but packed it away.  Just in case. How many times do we keep stuff just in case but never need it.  But I have two huge bags of stuff to take to Good Will, too.

 Anyway, he still has what he wears all the time, and there are plenty of those things.  Picture ease and comfort.

A couple quick videos....they both make me laugh.

Now the one below is a bit longer, but I laughed and laughed.  Just watch how part of the time when they jump off something they give that extra little kick in the air.  Just the joy of being alive!  


  1. your wisteria is gorgeous, it is a little different than the one in Savannah, no weeping branches and the flowers of my aunts were longer and more pointed, but much the same. love the videos, makes me wonder what was going on in Docs brain

  2. Oh those goats are just the cutest things. They sure a having a lot of fun.
    Your wisteria is so pretty. I just have three blossoms this year. Maybe next year will be better. I was just so happy to have any.

  3. Lol for the last video. So cute.

    Just in case is the reason I have a house full of stuff!

  4. I'm convinced that baby goats have springs in their legs instead of bones. The dog clearly wanted the sheep in the house! Wondered if he sensed bad weather coming?

  5. I think those Wisteria blooms are so elegant.

  6. That wisteria is so pretty.
    That first video was too funny. That dog is good at his job.
    I liked the second one too. Baby goats are so much f un to watch.

  7. Your Wisteria is so lovely!!
    The video of the Border Collie herding the sheep onto the porch made me laugh out loud.
    I got rid of a bunch of surplus hangers today too. Why did I have so many???

  8. I thought it had been a long time since I had read anything from you - and today I discovered your blog had somehow disappeared from my list (it is back there again now!). I'm sorry you had a problem making a comment - I have had similar problems myself with some other blogs. Hopefully we can now become "connected" again!
    Hugz, Mxx

  9. I have not seen a wisteria like this one ...I see those that vine out

    LOVE that goat video (Kid video)

  10. Hello,
    Love the baby goat video, they are so cute. Your wisteria is lovely, a beautiful plant. Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Love wisteria, wish we could have it growing...

    Great on the getting rid of un-used things.

    💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

  12. Love wisteria! Wish we had a place for it.

    💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

  13. Your wisteria must have a wonderful aroma. I have to clear our closets out too. We are way overdue. Loved the videos:)

  14. Rose, your wisteria blooms are beautiful! I ordered one 30 years ago and it has never bloomed. Guess it's time to give up on it. I LOVE both those videos but the one with the baby goats stole my heart. Think I'll look at that one every day just to make myself happy. You find the neatest videos. Thank you!

  15. Gorgeous Wisteria. My folks had a lovely one and I've wanted to go back to the house to see if it's still there, now that they both are gone. It was such a labor of love for them. Well done on the cleaning out the closet. It's time for me to do that again. I'm not a keeper, in that I won't box it up in case; but my hubby is.
    Sandy's Space

  16. The wisteria is so lovely. It must bring you joy to see it in bloom.
    I think that most of us hold on to things just in case we might need it but we have too much of everything and I think, less is better and easier to manage.
    Hugs, Julia

  17. Beautiful wisteria and those baby goats are so cute!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Wisteria is wonderful :)

    All the best Jan

  20. Your Wisteria is so pretty. - The videos were cute.

  21. Two of my sons came home last weekend and I MADE them go through some of the clothes and junk they left behind. Yes, I cornered them and forced them to look in the drawers! I stood right there and pointed to each thing. I, too will be going to Good Will this coming weekend.

    Don't feel bad that it took you so long, feel proud that you did it. I have been motivated to clean by a book I recently read called "Swedish Death Cleaning." The author says we should not leave a mess behind us for our loved ones to clean up after we die. If it is hard for us to handle, imagine how hard it is for someone you love that is grieving. It is a horrible way to treat them. She has had to handle some of her family member's estates and so she wrote a book offering advice.

    When my husband was in the hospital a few months ago and we thought he was going to die, I kept thinking about the pile of junk in the corner of my basement that I haven't dealt with. I knew I would have to sell this house and felt overwhelmed at the mess. He is fine now and I am getting my house in order so that if I go first, he isn't burdened.



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