
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Little Mama aka Sweet Pea

 Just 12 seconds of may not find it funny.  It may be one of those things you had to be there to appreciate.

We were heading out this morn, only to find a ruckus in the neighborhood.  Three squirrels were chasing each other...I first thought it was the babies.  And I still think one of them might have been one of Sweet Pea's.  But they were out in the street going in big circles.  When I saw the grown one I thought it was her, and say Hey! ....and I have no idea what I call her but I use this baby talk voice.  I have no idea why I revert to that.  

I thought it was coming but I thought it looked a bit big for her.  about that time it took off and then I thought I saw her zooming by.  I yelled again, and just a second here she came running about as fast as she could run.  I usually carry some walnuts/pecans in a plastic bag in my pocket.  Roger was already out and headed down the steps.  He just sat down on the edge of the porch and I sat at the picnic table and she was up beside me in a split second.  She was eating in my lap.  When I am about out of nuts, I always empty the last few onto the bench.  

She was gobbling them down....and the one squirrel came back to the edge of our yard and she kept eating but kept barking at him while she was eating.   She stopped before she was done and took off after it/him.  I could not get to see good but I am pretty sure it was a him.  I am assuming courtship, though at first I wondered was she trying to keep him away from her young ones...they are getting up in size now.  


  1. You have that squirrel tamed it seems.

  2. Such a cute video, she does a kind of chortle. Maybe she was trying to keep the other one away from her food? You are The Squirrel Whisperer!!

  3. I love the video. It is so sweet the way she comes to you. I think I told you that I did have a sweet squirrel that would come to me for nuts. He came to visit me almost every day for over a year until some other squirrels started following him and harassing him. They didn't like me feeding him and would chase him away. Finally one day they chased him away and he has not returned since. I have sure missed him and hope he is okay. I hope those other squirrels are not bothering your sweet squirrel. They could be jealous that she is getting food.

  4. Isn't she sweet!!!! I like the name you chose for her too . ...Sweet Pea

  5. Isn’t it amazing how the little animals come to know us and respond to kindness. Great video.

  6. I watched it twice yesterday and again just now. she is so sweet. I am thinking she was saying Get! this is mine! I just love this story

  7. Their chatter always racks me up! It is get frisky time around here too!

  8. Whatever the running was, you gave her food, to help her continue. ;-)))))))))

  9. I love the little video...I love squirrels. Sounds like she was telling you how much she appreciates the nuts. :)

  10. Watching the antics of squirrels can be very entertaining. Years ago when I was going through chemo, I was too tired to be busy so I had lots of time to watch the squirrels.

    I noticed that they had distinct markings and I could tell them apart. I put nuts and seeds for them but the male would always eat first and chase the female away while he was eating. He wouldn't share. She would wait on the side. He truly dominated her.

    I had to put a separate feeding tray for her. I've watched them chewing my window bird feeders and they even could get into squirrel proof bird feeders. They are very smart. After a while, there were so many squirrels that they became pests. They chewed a big hole on the side of the eve and got inside the soffit and set up house in there. Every night I could hear them running ceaselessly and I couldn't sleep from the noise. It cost a lot of money to have the damage fix.

    I no longer feed the squirrels and the birds. We also got over run by raccoons.The raccoons also have been pulling down my two bird feeders on a long metal poles with a crook on the end. Everything became a hassle, lol. Squirrels live between 15 to 18 years, and have two litter of babies a year. They can get between 1 and 9 babies but usually they get around 5 babies. They multiply very fast. A squirrel can mate at 10 to 12 month old and the gestation period is only between one month to six weeks. You can see why they multiply so fast.

    I enjoyed watching the cute baby goats. They are so adorable.

    Take care,

  11. cute and so fun for me to watch as squirrels are not on the radar here, nor are the Racoons that Julia mentioned

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I enjoyed the video :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Sitting in your lap! Amazing! Your Sweet Pea is much better behaved than my squirrels. They hide in my shed and then bolt out past me while I scream from being startled. I have learned to open the door slowly and look first before entering. It doesn't matter. I can't keep from screaming when they fly out.

  15. Sitting in your lap, wow! Squirrels are fun to watch, but they do carry significant disease, so you should be careful. My Dad used to have one that seemed pretty tame and came by like clockwork for the nuts my Dad would have at the ready.
    Sandy's Space

  16. That’s amazing Rose! I love watching the squirrels in s. We have a new family of five visiting right now. They often chirp at each other and chase each other around. My post today is of squirrels :). Have a great weekend!


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