
Thursday, June 30, 2022

 She came for a short visit the other day and I have not seen her since.  She honestly seemed as excited to see me as I was to see her.

I had to call an ambulance for Roger yesterday morn...I could not get him to get up.  He would say what, when I was trying to get him to get up to take his meds.  And say okay...but would just go back to sleep.

You cannot imagine how stupid I my own defense, I will say I am ever looking for something that points to another stroke.  But he is diabetic.  Can you guess where I am going?  Yes, his blood sugar was extremely, extremely low.  I am amazed he was not in a coma.  The EMT gave him an IV that brought his sugar back up and had him eat a peanut butter sandwich before they would leave.  

And my biopsy was more basal cell....right now another MOHs surgery is scheduled for Aug 12.  The other option is radiation.  25 treatments.  Every day.    They both scare me since it is about an inch below my eye and close to my nose.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Still in progress....

 I am still working on it.  I could call it quits here as far as the quilt top is concerned, but I want to add rows of the 'strips' all around the edge.  I have a couple rows made, and others started for the ends.  It is just a matter of making myself take time to go in there, even if I take a time to remind myself I have to go or do something else in a few minutes.

One of my daughter's childhood friend's grandmother passed away last week while our daughter was in Florida.  I just happened to see it.  Then after daughter got home, I got on line to get the link to the obituary to send her, and this same girl's dad had died.  He died the day before the service for the grandmother.  Our daughter spent so much time at their house, and their daughter was in and out here.   Anyway, Sarah ran home this morn to at least go to the visitation.  And Roger wanted to go, because he and the dad really got along good.

He said he could walk in, but if it had been 10 more yards, I don't think he would have made it.  I was hanging on to his arm, or I feel sure he would have fell at least one time.

He is not feeling good right now...nothing I can really put my finger on.  He went to bed half an hour/45 minutes earlier than normal.  We were up and gone to the visitation at maybe it was just the long day today.  But he really has not been himself the past few days.

I am still waiting on the results of the biopsy...

Monday, June 20, 2022

Will I ever finish it???

 I worked on this a couple or three days last week, and want to work more on it.  Last week, the AC slowed me down.  We will see about this week.  I have not decided quite how I feel about it.  It is sort of wild, but I am just using scraps.  For the most part.  I bought the gray snowflake fabric to use to set the blocks on poing, and I bought the red fabric to put a strip between the rows.  To give it some consistency.  I have four of the rows of blocks on point and will have five of the others.

Thought I would share a new photo of a dragonfly.  Saturday was the first chance I had had to try to capture any.  I know some of you do not look at my other blog so will share one here.  This seemed to be the only kind at the swamp at that time.  Usually we see a couple more varieties.

I had a dermatologist appt today...had three places I was worried about.  One of them she did not think was anything to be worried about, but in looking at my main concern, she saw two more place close to it.  One she was not concerned with , the other she was  a bit concerned.  Said she would freeze it off for now and see how it does.  She also froze the other two that was close to it.  The one I was concerned about I could feel...not something I look in the mirror and see.

So she looked my face over good, and looked at the other two places.  One she was not worried about, but the other she took a biopsy so will have to wait to see what it says.  It is maybe an inch below my eye.    If it is cancer, she is going to recommend another MOHS surgery...I am not sure how I feel about it.  I don't know if it is the shot to numb or what, but my eye went all weird for a few minutes as I was leaving.  I could see out of it but it was blurry.  And just felt so very strange.  It is hard to explain.  

So now I wait...just deal with it as it comes.  See what I can do in the meantime.  I have tons to do.  Just a matter of doing them.  I have lots of stuff to sew.  I should go sew some now.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

We have Air!

 The repairman came back yesterday evening late.  He checked the pressure and said he might could put a little bit more freon in.  He said you have to be careful because if you put too much in it, it harms the unit.  But first he decided to go down and look at things in the basement.  He pulled out the filter and looked.  It did not look bad, but decided to change it anyway.  (Our filters are those big thick ones--you only change them every three months)

He gave it a moment and went back outside to check the pressure and it had come up 10 degrees.  I could feel a difference in the air coming out.  So he said he would leave it and see how it did and if I needed call him back this morn. It ran and ran last night, and never stopped cooling.  Finally around midnight it kicked off.  And got up this morn to the normal temperature we keep it. 

I wanted to wait till this morning to do an update to be sure it was still working.

I will leave this video:

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


 I did do a post last night, thinking that the AC was really beginning to cool things had not been posted very long at all till I realized that the AC had stopped putting out really cool air.  It will cool a while, then stop putting out much cool air at all.  Then I turn the AC off and run the fan an hour, turn the AC on and it will put out pretty cool air for a while.  Repeat, repeat, repeat.  We are waiting for the repair guy to come back by.

I should have did this update right after I took the other one down.  I am sorry that I didn't and wasted your time looking for it.

It is 99º outside now.  but the house keeps the heat out pretty good.  It is not terrible in here...77º right now.  If worst comes to worst will go to a hotel.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


 I thought while I am waiting I would pop in to tell you to say a prayer for us...our AC is not cooling.  It stopped last night.  Was cooling fine till some time in the late evening.  After the heating and AC place had closed, of course.  I was in and out doing a few things outside, or attempting to do so and it had been cooling fine all day. 

Then late yesterday evening, I noticed it was not cooling.  so have ran the fan all night long to circulate the air. And Roger has the ceiling fan on in his room. It is supposed to reach 100º F today.  And the humidity is terrible.  I have called the AC place and have been waiting on a call back.  The answering service answered earlier and said someone should contact me in half an hour...or to call again.  I have been calling and getting no answer.

Roger is okay right at this present moment, but am not sure what to do.  Thinking about getting a hotel room, but I think he will fuss about that if I do.  And even that will be hard cause there is not one here will just wait and see for now.

Monday, June 13, 2022


 I swung through the strip mining area, and came out a back way and saw this chicken.  I don't recall ever seeing one just like it.

I saw this snake racing across the road while in the strip mining area.  It was not very big...maybe a yard long.   As fast as it was moving, I was lucky to get a photo.  It must not have liked the sun.

I do not had much to tell...I have felt like no matter what choice I made about some things, I was making the wrong decision.   Do you ever do that?  
I am still working on the Christmas quilt in odd moments.  If I had a design wall big enough I would put what I have done on it to show you but right now it has stuff hanging on it waiting for decisions.  So there is no room to hang up what I have done.  

I am going to share a video with is longer than I normally share, and is not good quality but we still got so tickled at some of the answers.  If you listen, tell me your favorite answer.

I hope you enjoyed it half as much as we did.  One of my favorites was when Art Linkletter asked the would be pilot what he would do if all the engines quit....he bowed his head and started saying the Lord's prayer.  And then there is one where he asks a little girl what would make a good husband... and then ask her what she was going to be.