
Monday, June 13, 2022


 I swung through the strip mining area, and came out a back way and saw this chicken.  I don't recall ever seeing one just like it.

I saw this snake racing across the road while in the strip mining area.  It was not very big...maybe a yard long.   As fast as it was moving, I was lucky to get a photo.  It must not have liked the sun.

I do not had much to tell...I have felt like no matter what choice I made about some things, I was making the wrong decision.   Do you ever do that?  
I am still working on the Christmas quilt in odd moments.  If I had a design wall big enough I would put what I have done on it to show you but right now it has stuff hanging on it waiting for decisions.  So there is no room to hang up what I have done.  

I am going to share a video with is longer than I normally share, and is not good quality but we still got so tickled at some of the answers.  If you listen, tell me your favorite answer.

I hope you enjoyed it half as much as we did.  One of my favorites was when Art Linkletter asked the would be pilot what he would do if all the engines quit....he bowed his head and started saying the Lord's prayer.  And then there is one where he asks a little girl what would make a good husband... and then ask her what she was going to be.  


  1. george washingtons wife is Ms America. ha ha.. that used to be a fun show way back when. you will have to finish a few things off the wall so you can hang up more. that black snake is like ours, we have always had them in our yard, but oddly enough have not seen a single one since the pandemic. odd

  2. Loved Art Linkletter - I remember watching him as a kid.
    Some days are just best left to a nap - cause nothing goes the way it is planned!!!

  3. Great sighting of the snake and the pretty chicken. Have a great day and happy new week!

  4. That chicken almost doesn't look real! Almost looks like it is a ceramic chicken, especially the tail feathers.

    Oh I do the "wrong decision all the time" thing.... About what I cook and what I plan for meals. I hate to cook. Always have. Hate to try to plan meals.

    I need to lose weight and my husband is getting too thin. How is that for making for hard planning? LOL

    Plus other things about meal planning and cooking.

    Just say..... I know what you mean about 'Wrong again!'

    Gentle hugs
    💗💓💗 💗💓💗 💗💓💗

  5. I used to watch this Art Linkletter show back when it was popular, and really enjoyed it. The chicken is beautiful. such a soft grey, almost like the coloring of a cat.

  6. What an unusual and pretty chicken that one is :)

  7. I've had days like that when everything I try to do just doesn't turn out as I had expected, but there's always tomorrow to try again.

    I could not identify the type of chicken you showed us. There are so many varieties, just like flowers, lol.

    I'm not fond of snakes but I wasn't scared of garter snakes when I was young but my mom was. Is that a rat snake?

    Oh, I love listening to the Art Linkletter show years ago. I like the one about the little girl who was telling about Jesus changing the water into wine. When Art asked her what she had learned from this, she answered, To have more fun at a wedding you needed more wine or something to that effect. That made me laugh out loud.

    Take care, hugs

  8. So hard to pick a favorite but I like the one when asked, what fictional character he wanted to be. Papa Bear because I could eat honey and have Goldilocks in my bed. : )

    My cousin Patty was actually on the show!

  9. I'm sorry you seem to be having trouble with some decisions. Things like that happen from time to time and it's not fun at all.
    I sure chuckled when I listened to the kids' answers on the video. I remember watching that show years ago.

  10. That snake looks like a blue racer and they move very fast like you described. I've always been afraid of snakes and when I was a child I was once chased by a blue racer.

    I understand what you say about feeling like any choice you make is the wrong one. Usually when that happens you are not making the wrong choice but the situation does not provide the opportunity for many good choices. I hope your situation improves soon!

    I loved the video! I remember watching Art Linkletter when I was young. I liked the one where Art told the boy he was being diplomatic and the boy said no, he was Catholic!

  11. Love the picture of the chicken. The feathers look like ruffles.
    I remember Art Linkletter and watching Kids say the darndest things.


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