Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
However, I did start cutting 2 1/2 inch squares tonight...out of some of my not so loved anymore stash. A lot of those are Joann Fabric materials, though some are not. Right now I am cutting a lot of blues and browns...more browns than anything.
Stitch and Sew is my favorite shop over is not huge, but has a pretty good selection. I did come home with some fabrics that could be classified as lights--I have the hardest time picking out lights. My stash is 90% medium to dark. I added yellow to the last two quilt tops I have worked on, no make that three--it is the only thing that kept them from being one big boring mess. If I ever get my desk fixed for my Juki, I will probably machine quilt them next.
Monday, June 18, 2007
And tonight I finished my as yet unnamed quilt...too late to take pictures. I will try to take some tomorrow with my husband's point and shoot. Mistakes abound in this quilt...but I am still happy to have it done.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Then, we celebrated Father's Day both Friday night and yesterday we have just sat around and relaxed. Friday evening our youngest daughter, Sarah and her husband came. We cooked steaks on the grill, had a salad and baked potato. I fixed two jello/cool whip desserts:
1 small box of either strawberry or lime jello in at least 2 quart bowl
Add 2/3 c. boiling water and stir at least 2 minutes till it is well dissolved.
Next add 2 c. ice cubes and stir till the jello starts to set. Remove the remainder of the ice cubes.
Use 8 to 12 oz of cool whip and blend together real well with wire whip.
Pour this into a graham pie crust and refrigerate!
This is one simple, quick refreshing dessert.
Yesterday we went to our other daughter's house in the evening. I had to run all over to find pork spareribs for this. I ended up having to run to Terre Haute to Kroger's. Came home and my husband put them on to boil. I fixed our late breakfast/early lunch. Then watched the ribs, and made baked beans and made a dip for the vegetables my husband cut up.
I boil the ribs until they are tender, then coat them in barbecue sauce and cook on the grill a few minutes. After I got them on the grill, I washed our car while my husband tended the ribs. By the time I got that done, it was time to take a shower head down to our daughter's house...they fixed hamburgers on the grill, and her MIL made a dessert.
My daughter and her husband were leaving for an Alaskan cruise today--and she took my camera with her! I feel naked without it...I can use my husband's point and shoot but I cannot get close-ups with it. At least not the quality that I can with my digital SLR.
I did start on the binding on my string quilt--still trying to think of a name that says it all. Not having much luck. A friend on the Quilts Your Way forum suggested Little Shop of Horrors and that fits it the best so far. There is not much good that can be said about the quality of this quilt, other than it will soon be finished. And it is colorful. It has pieces from material some of my dresses were made when I wash in school.
I am doing the binding totally by machine. I trimmed the quilt, and sewed the binding on the first time from the back. I am turning the other to the front and using one of the fancy stitches on the Viking to sew it down. I am doing the binding in sections and not mitering the corners--I think mitering the corners are easy--this is the first time I have every sewed a binding on in sections. So it is kind of scary to me.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I don't know where to begin to tell about this quilt top. I did the string piecing part when I was in high school...I can tell because two or three of the fabrics used are from my freshman year. I used magazine pages folded in half lengthwise and cut off the corners. That was the base I sewed to. I apparently did not do such a good job of getting them all the same size. My mom set them together and I think she gave up on them and just did anyway to get them sewn together. This was planned as an everyday quilt from the very beginning...and it will keep us warm. So all is not in vain.
The third picture is a piece of fabric that I just love. And I think I have seen similiar to it maybe in Hancocks of Paducah catalog...I would dearly love to have some yardage of it. It is the only piece in the quilt I think. My BIL's mother died either when I was still in elementary school or right after I started high school and she had several dresses cut out and ready to sew. This was from one of those.
Monday, June 11, 2007

I had plumbing problems to take care of this morn...managed to do them myself. If it had been anything serious we would have had to call on friends. My husband is not supposed to lift over 10 lb. since his surgery, and nothing strenuous at all.
I watered our little garden this evening--the cucumbers looked like they would die if they did not get a drink. So I gave everything water. I will try to take new pictures of it till you will see what I mean when I say little. There are little tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. But I noticed one of the cucumbers is deformed...I am assuming it didn't get pollinated good! Don't know if that is the reason for cucumbers, but if apples don't get pollinated good, they either don't grow at all, or only one side will grow.
Around here there is concern because bee hives are disappearing and they don't know why. We have heard of the bee mites, but this is something different.
I only did a very little quilting today. If I could get to go down for a couple of hours, I could get a lot done. I am anxious to get this finished till I can start something new, or else work on another ufo!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
BTW, is handquilting one word or two words? I have read it a million times but right now I could not tell you which is correct if my life depended on it.
Friday, June 8, 2007
We are both extremely happy to have it over with. When he coughs, he no longer has pain down his arm, and even though he took the medicine tonight, it was not for the same old pain. This pain has to do with the surgery itself.
I have been quilting a little bit every day on my old UFO--I think when it is finished I will name it Pleats and Tucks--it is just awful. And it isn't the back either. I don't know if I just did it horrible or what...but it is one holy mess. I do try a few different designs when quilting but it is mostly meandering. I think if I had a full sized quilt pin basted the way it should be it might not be too horrible to quilt. At least I am not to the point of never wanting to try it again. I am actually sort of looking forward to trying one that is layered right.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Now I have to go wash dishes till I can have a clean kitchen when I come home. Then will try to think about what all I do want to take with me. I did get a new Dell word puzzle book. And I have a paperback I picked up somewhere. I don't know that I will have time to read...I think at least one of our daughters is going to be there. So we will probably talk.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007 I have not explored this sight--I cannot say for sure what it is about. But it has beautiful pictures of clouds. I have only just begun to look at them. There are some really amazing shots. So this is my photography contribution for this post.
I did get into my old cedar chest and got out a quilt sandwich. It is the honest truth--it has been a sandwich since 1978. And the top itself is older than that. I did it when I was still in high school. It is straight-pin basted. I hand quilted just a tiny portion of it when I first sandwiched it, and have not touched it since.
So I got it out, took it down to the basement to my Juki. I loaded two or three bobbins and threaded the machine with what I think I am going to use to quilt it. But we had to leave to go to the ball game before I could actually attempt any quilting. The top is a string top--and sure is nothing fancy. So I am thinking I might as well machine quilt it and get it to the point of being usable.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Large hosta
Another day spent on medical related visits. Last Thursday we spent the day in Terre Haute getting an MRI. My husband required one. His neck/upper back area has really been causing him grief. Pain had started extending down his arm, to the tips of his fingers. Thursday was a most of the day thing simply because they wanted an x-ray of his eyes before they would do the MRI. We had to go to a completely different address for the x-ray, and had to wait about an hour besides. Then back to Indiana MRI where we had to wait again because we had lost our place in line.
Today we went to see a surgeon. A spur has developed around the disc in C6 that is pressing on the nerve. The doctor did not push surgery, just said my husband would have to decide when it was limiting his life, and when he was having too much pain. That time has already arrived. He will have surgery this Thursday.
Friday, June 1, 2007

After getting home from there, it was off to Walmart to pick up a few things, by the grocery store, and by the post office for stamps. Then home to hang out a load of clothes I left in the washer. Hanging out clothes is a chore that I love!
I hope today to either start a new sewing project or to get some work done on an old one. If I am going to do either, I best get busy.