I have no idea if these will post--blogger has gone bonkers on me! On Firefox it comes up with yesterday's date and tells me that the autosave has failed and I get an error message saying my request could not be processed, please try again. I think it is to do with the autosave.
So I went to Internet Explorer and it is even weirder. To hard to explain. So I may be typing this for nothing. And it may be published and say it was published yesterday, even thought it is Thursday as I speak...11:00 a.m. to be exact.
Going to keep this short and sweet. If I can. Does anyone see the rubber ducky in the top photo? The others were taken the same day--in the middle photo I was looking west, then turned and looked east to take the bottom one.
If anyone else wants to join Sky Watch Friday, it opens later today at the Sky Watch Blog.