This was known as The Restaurant in my youth....it was across the highway from our elementary school. Every morn the teachers' aids would come to each classroom and take our orders. This was back when you could get 5¢ and 10¢ candy bars or 5¢ and 10¢ bags of chips. Remember those days?
They took the orders for our morning recess for us to have a snack, or we could order something for lunch. All I remember anyone ever ordering for lunch was hot dogs. A dime for a plain hot dog, or 15¢ for one with chili. I don't know if they served more or not...most of us did not get to order lunch often.
And on holidays, when we had our little parties, we could bring money and order what we wanted to drink for our evening parties. I remember most of the time ordering root beer! It was such a treat for us to have pop!
If I remember correctly it only had room for 3 or 4 booths....but I really am not sure about this. I just know once I left home and went back, it seemed so small to have been so much a part of our lives. When we started to high school, I think we also caught the bus there part of the time.
It has been closed for I don't know how long now....but I would love to be able to go back inside.
I had more to says but it is about time for Lorelei to get here. She has a bad cold and was all congested yesterday. So I need to finish getting ready for her.