This morn I told Roger that I just thought the cable was bad or something wrong with the router...last night the ethernet light on my modem would not stay lit up--it continually blinked off and on. I finally timed it just right and was able to connect to the internet one time. So, he actually listened to me, and him being the way he is, he went and got a flashlight and a loupe and started examining it. And he could see where there was an actual 'mistake' in how it was made. It is almost impossible to explain...lets just say he insisted on taking it back to Office Max and all the time I am thinking they won't let us return it.
We ask for the manager first thing, the manager looked and he could see what we were talking about. He went and got a new one, and he told me he was going to take it out and compare it to the one we brought and I was so glad...if he hadn't I would have before we left the parking lot. But it was manufactured with no mistakes.
My younger daughter and her husband were having drain/sewer problems. So this afternoon Jeremy went and rented a big rotor rooter, and we went down to their house. Roger helped him get it down in the basement, and the work began. He and Jeremy fed the line into the sewer pipe and I ran the control. I am so relieved...we got out several big gobs of roots...I don't even remember how many times we ran the line, but the last one it fed through fairly easy and came back clean. So now I feel like that that is taken care of for good....or at least for a few months. But they will get the root killer and use it so it really should be done with.
On the way there I got so excited to see a few leaves getting color...I could spend hours and hours driving in the fall. And as I sat outside tonight talking to my brother, Neal, the sounds of fall were all around me with all the bugs that were 'singing'....