It was a beautiful day today...till a bit ago. It clouded up, and has started to rain. Liquid beauty. I think we need it...some of the creeks around here are so low...low enough to walk across without getting your feet wet.

Bubbie got me up early....even after playing with him last night. I got up, got my shower; Roger was up before I was done. I fixed a bit of breakfast, spent a little time checking out some of the blogs, doing email, then headed to the basement. Above you will see some of my rulers...they are thick acrylic rulers for cutting against with a rotary cutter which is laying below my scissors in the photo below.

I first repaired a shirt of he had only worn a few times till a seam pulled loose. Up in the shoulder seam. Well, it is dark green and black flannel...I have tried numerous times to see to take the stitches out. Finally, I just stuck the raw edge back under and sewed it enough to hold it in place a bit...then I used some fusible web, got a scrap piece of dark fabric and fused over the seam and sewed it down. That stitching is noticeable, but not bad...and for everyday, who cares.

Next I started fiddling with these crumb blocks is time consuming but satisfying at the same time...I use up scraps that I would not use up for anything else. And when I am done, I will have enough for some kind of quilt...

I had a couple of the ones above started so finished them, came up and we fixed lunch. Then I have been back down there sewing and made two more. Decided I wanted some fresh pictures so came up to get the camera and noticed that the rain had actually started.

I forget how many of the blocks are here...I have just been messing with them in odd moments here and there. When I want to sew a line but don't feel like really getting into a big project. Or when I am too tired to think. These are almost foolproof....
I think I am headed down in a minute to get the binding made for my older daughter's quilt...I have not started the quilting of it yet but thinking after this next weekend that I will get started on it...I want to do it when I haven't got anything planned that is going to take me away from it for days at time...and I love having the binding already made when I finish quilting...that way I can get right on to one of my favorite parts.
Some people hate doing the binding, but I love it. I really pretty much like everything about quilting except the pin basting the layers together. And even with it, I don't mind smaller quilts too bad.