We have been shopping for a new tiller...cannot make up our mind what to get...don't want to spend a small fortune...it is more important to have $700 to spend on a broke kitty leg as we did Christmas time of 2008...everyone knows that a cat is a warm sleeping companion, a good alarm clock, a heating pad....besides being a major entertainer of Lorelei.
In all seriousness, we have such a small garden spot...yet we are getting older; if Roger weren't here, I am not sure I could deal with a front tine tiller by myself. I have did it in the past a time or two, but it wasn't fun back then. I really don't think the Mantis tines would last--the tines were not very heavy at all. So we will do some more thinking. Maybe we will run into a good used tiller. We really don't have to have one....
In the meantime, I will show you these turtles we saw last weekend.