This is interesting to me by itself...but I went to Mike and D's Life in the Hoosier State and Beyond post of something I have passed at least a hundred times, and probably more. Another railroad trestle. It is one I have always meant to take a photo of, but just never been there at the right time with my camera.

It is taking some time to get used to not seeing Lorelei two or three times a week. She is liking the new house--seems to have settled in really nice. One day when Sarah was trying to get her settled for her nap, she had to have her Elmo, her bee pillow which is a big fuzzy yellow pillow about 15 inches square, with markings like a bee and her cow. Now her cow is just a hard plastic cow and this is not the first time she has had to have it to go to sleep....
She is also really enjoying getting to see her daddy every day...
She ended up sick at the end of last week...one doctor said it was a double ear infection...and gave her an antibiotic. The next day she had a rash, which they were afraid was an allergic reaction so they took her to another doctor, who said that he thought it was a heat rash from such high temperatures, and said that if it was an allergic reaction it would be more splotchy. He also said her ears looked fine, but her throat was red and that it might have been strep but the antibiotic the other doctor had prescribed would take care of it.
Then yesterday she fell and hit her head on the TV stand and got a goose egg..I have picture but not going to show it. It makes me hurt just to look at it. So, it has been somewhat of a rough start over there...but things will settle down.