I took the picture of this bell last week and forgot about it till now. I have been doing a little research on the C.S. Bell Co. Charles Singleton Bell was born February 7, 1828 in Maryland. After completing his schooling, he went to Pittsburgh to learn the foundry business from an uncle. He took charge of a Whitley Foundry in Springfield...then moved to Dayton, and then began his own company with one or two employees on January 7, 1958...they began to manufacture bells in 1875. From what I have read, this bell was probably made 1905 or later...I have only give a few very basic facts taken from THIS page, but the reading is so much more interesting HERE.
The company, now located in Tiffin Ohio, is still in business making hammer mills, glass crushers, conveyors and other equipment. If you want to see their website click Here.