It is hard to see the chimney in this photo, but if you look at the other photo on my other blog, you will see it. There is just nothing quite like sitting my the fire with a loved one...be it husband, kid, parent, or friend. It is true about any fire, even if it is a bonfire outside...
Some of my favorite memories are of when Roger and I lived in Tennessee, we had a fireplace. We only used it for a little bit, but in that time we did have a few fires in it. Also my friend came and we got to sit by the fire and visit.
Later Roger bricked it in, and we got a woodburner...a Buckstove to be exact. It had double walls, with a fan in back that circulated the heat. At the time we got it, the double walls with a fan was a new idea....and a fine idea at that.
We have an old garage here...it has our lawnmower and some other junk in it. I keep coming back to the idea of cleaning it out, using a power washer on the inside, then painting the walls and getting a woodburner to go in it....I would probably sit out there and have a fire sometimes even in the summer even.
Then I could smell woodsmoke any time I wanted to....