You have to understand that my coat is stained from work, and the pockets are crammed full of stuff. Who keeps me warm and if something happens to it it is not hard to replace. My good coat, I very seldom wear. For one thing I very seldom wear a real coat, I much prefer a jacket. I searched for ages for that 'good' coat, only leave it in the closet. But I have it if I actually need it.

It is still cold this morn, but supposed to make it into the thirties before he day is over. I will believe it when I see it. The boys just went outside....I cannot believe they have not wanted back in. Last night Bubbie would want outside and be wanting back inside in about 10 minutes. Mama Cat does not even want outside any more. She finally got brave and went outside a bit Sunday, for the first time in ages.
During the last cold spell, she started out trying to go out only to turn around and rush back inside before the door was closed. She finally gave up trying and would turn around and run if she was looking out the storm door and one of us opened it. It was as if she thought we would force her to go. She is only 3 or 4 years old and seems like such an old cat.
Right now I am going to post this, and head over to my other blog. I have to decide what to post there.