Traveling north on Route 1 through Westville, Illinois, I happened to glance over to Roger's side of the road just in time to get a glimpse of this house...I excitedly said, "Did you see that?" and he answered in the affirmative...but we both only got a glimpse of it. So went on, turned around and came back by it.

Route 1 is 4 lanes through there...and being that there was not traffic, Roger paused, then slowly proceeded and let me take these shots...before traffic appeared in his rear view mirror.

I just could not believe the how these were painted on...the limps go across the windows, up on the ceiling of the porch....

Notice how the tree wraps around the corner of the house...the one on the other corner did, too.

Then glance on down the side of the house...that is a spruce/pine type of tree painted on.
On the way home we glanced and back behind the house, is a small Quonset hut and it has a tree painted across the front of it.
I just sat here and got on google earth and took the street view through here and could see this on we have passed it before and not noticed it.
I hope you will take the time to enlarge these and see the details...whoever did this did a wonderful job.