Yesterday while Roger went fishing with a buddy, I took off to run through the strip pits and maybe go for more of a drive. I seen frogs, butterflies, one pheasant and one quail....none of the things that fly cooperated at all...and only one photo of a frog.

I passed on through the strip pits coming out just over the state line in Illinois...and drove north for the most part. I came to this section of road that had fresh clover blossoms and in general was just a grassy area, with butterflies that were much more willing to pose. I had one land on me and I shooed it off without thinking. Then this one landed on my arm.
I took a few photos with it there, but I could not get my arm in a position and far enough away at the same time for it to be in focus...the auto focus on my longer lens does not work so all that was left was to move my arm to try to get it in focus. The above is one of those photos.

I took some other pictures with it staying on my arm, so I though I might as well try I put my finger up there and it crawled on to that hand. It was on my left arm so, I had to use my right hand. So, since I am right handed and could not operate the camera at all with my left hand, I had to transfer the little guy back over to my left, here's a photo from that.
I tried to go on about my business and leave it alone while I took photos of other butterflies, but it insisted on staying at the ends of my fingers so I had actually shake it and make it leave.
I don't know what type of butterfly it is, and too tired to try to identify. So, if you know the name, post it in the comments.