Anyway, there is a method to my madness....I always keep mine hanging upside down, their 'jaws' around the line for the simple reason they are easy to slide along as I need them. You know how sometimes you hang out socks and need one every 3 or 4 inches, then other times it is towels and you need one every couple of feet....if the clothespins are just hanging there like above, it is a simple matter to just slide them along in front of the towels. Or if you need a lot and they are more scattered....you can just walk along sliding them back to where you need them.
Now my mom, nor my BFF's mom never, ever left their clothespins on the line....I don't know why. I think because of how weathered they become...they wear out quicker. Back then, they did not have money just to throw away...they took care of what they had. A few cents here and a few cents there really adds up.
I went to plastic for outside because of the organic nature of wood...if I leave them out, they get really, really nasty. I think because of all the traffic, being that we are in a small town...it stirs up more dust that settles on the clothespins and they get just black and gritty. But even the plastic ones wear out quicker being in all the extreme temps....I will go to hang something up one side of the pin will simply break.
And notice the size of the clothespins above...I needed some new plastic ones, so one day Roger was headed to the store. I told him to pick me up a new bag of plastic clothespins...those huge ones are what he came home with! Our local Wal-mart does not carry the small ones any more. The big ones do not have as strong of a spring and are not as good. No matter how I pinch them over the clothes on the line...if it is windy, it seems like they slide together.
So, I was looking at Wal-mart at the wooden ones....all they had were the ones made in China. I have been that route before, and if things have not changed, they are not worth carrying home. They come apart at the spring at the least little thing. Several years ago, I either read it in Heloise's hints or heard Martha Stewart tell to make sure to get the ones Made In MAINE...mind you not the Main Stay brand that Walmart carries. So, that was what I done several years ago, and I am still using those down in the basement.
When we went over to Arthur, Illinois at the beginning of the week, we went to this Miller's Dry Goods that is out in the country...I found two packages of the wooden ones made in Maine and I grabbed them up too quick to talk about.
There now...isn't that the longest thing you have ever read on clothespins????