As you know Lorelei's mom is moving a couple hours away. They had to do the closing this morning, so we went and spent the night there till they would not have to get Lorelei up to go with them. And we would be there and not have to get up super early to go in. They were leaving at 7:30.
So, we got to be there again when Miss Lorelei got up from a night sleep. It is just so special...she wakes in the best mood. And she is just so bright-eyed and fresh. It is just like having a little bit of sunshine in the room with us. I tell you we sure have a good time with her. She tries to say whatever we tell her if she thinks she has a chance at all...and she does seem to know the words she would have problems with and skips them.
She has an active imagination...we just can't decipher what she is saying most of the time. She is always putting her toys down to go night-night....as well as us by pushing us down. She loves to drag out a quilt and play in it....she wants to cover us up, then sit in it, crawl under it and out of it...just has the best time doing that.
I wish I could capture these moments and drag them out at any time to see them. I did not have my camera, but even if I did, it would not be the same. The looks are only fleeting looks...and she is never still anyway. So I try to imprint the pictures on my mind till they will last forever...
So, I have got to tell these little details about Sarah and Jeremy's buying and selling houses...
The house they just sold, they bought from an Art teacher....
The house they signed the papers on today...the wife had been an Art teacher but quit teaching to take time to raise their kids.
Oh, and Sarah's college degree is in Art.
Okay, you think what's special about that...not a lot, I guess but I think it is just funny they would buy houses two times from an artist.
But it doesn't end there. Sarah and Jeremy live in Terre Haute right now...the couple they are buying the house from is from Terre Haute and they both graduated from the same high school Jeremy went to.
Now this couple happens to be personal friends with their realtor and his wife...and his wife was there today. Now, it so happened that the realtor Sarah and Jeremy used over there had went to elementary school with that realtor's wife!
What a small world we live in....