I have not been tell all that is going on, now wish I had or wish I had at least been writing in my journal. Over a week ago, my husband had this big splotch of stuff come up on his leg...not sure if it came up before he scratched it or if scratching caused it. He calls it psoriasis but I am not sure what it was.
It was not getting any better, so he went to the doctor last Friday...she put him on antibiotics to help prevent infections, and gave him one medicine to take orally to help give him relief from itching as well as a creme.
I am here to tell you, it has gradually gotten worse and worse...his whole body is broken out...his feet and legs have been swelling. The big splotch is gone, but now it is raised bumps and some blisters just everywhere.
So we went back to the doctor today...she could not believe the difference....just really couldn't believe what he looked like now. Told him to stop the antibiotic immediately, gave him a shot of cortisone, lasix for water retention, plus another one....and she wanted blood to test his liver functions since he has a history of problems with it.
We had to wait to have the blood drawn, so was sent back to the waiting room...soon as we sat down he said he felt like he was going to pass out...and I was trying to tell him to bend over and put his head between his knees but he passed out before I could even get it said....
I was trying to get him to wake up and one of the staff yelled for Doc and he came, they got him in the floor and raised his legs, and he came too in just a second...and his blood pressure went to normal and his pupils started reacting normal....
I am here to tell you I have had enough excitement to last a lifetime...just not a fun way to spend the day...he is now trying to rest some since he did not sleep at all last night.