There isn't anything much cuter than a baby animal of any kind...and calves with their big eyes and long lashes are right up there at the top of being beautiful. At home, each cow was named, as well as most calves received their own name. Since we usually milked at least one cow, I can remember carrying a calf to the barn a time or two after it was born, till the cow would have to come in to it.
For a while, we would milk some of the milk and leave the rest for the calf....I was never a milk lover, so don't remember drinking it a lot. But I do remember when I went to school, it being strange to have a box of milk with my lunch. Just tasted different. I can also remember noticing the difference between the taste of evaporated cream or real milk in coffee.
I will leave you with straight-on shot of the barn...I don't think I have ever seen one built just like this one...I don't know what you would call that part that sticks out at the peak of the roof. Have you ever seen one built like this? I don't know if the bottom drops open or not. Believe it or not, I did not notice this part till I downloaded the photos.