I chose Cougar as my own I think when he was one day old...went to bring him home when he was six weeks old. My daughter told me a few days before that he and Puss Puss were extra close to each other...that you never seen one without the other. I didn't even think about bringing two home. But on the way to get him, I told Roger about how they were by each other.
So, we get there and visit a little bit, then start to leave....and I get Cougar...and he got Puss Puss...
I think it was the first night or two we got them home, they played and played and explored the area...and suddenly we realized we could not find the Puss Puss. We started searching...gave tbe house quick once over...and did it a time or two. Looking under the bed, behind anything she might fit. I can remember feeling like it was impossible for her to so disappear....but getting sort of scared at the same time.
I was standing watching the birds....I had thrown birdseed on top of the ice since their feeder was frozen and I couldn't get it down. So all the birds come and go...and this cardinal lands right, and decides to hop/fly over a couple feet...if even that. You know how they flit about when there is food on the ground. Well, she flitted and when she landed, she slid about 6 inches...she did that jerk sort of like we do to catch herself. Only her wings helped her...I know this is not a good description, but it was funny.
I am getting very weary of this ice...I almost fell a couple times yesterday...and I did that jerk one does to keep from falling and my neck was so stiff and sore last night. and Roger did fall...but is none the worse for wear. I think there is at least 3 inches of ice everywhere. They showed on the evening news where some of the employees were out in the parking lot playing ice hockey on their break....