So, we played outside here...her favorite thing is sticks, followed by rocks. Lorelei can also spend a fair amount of time opening and closing the gate. She will open it, close it, open it and go out it, turn around and close it and then open, and go back inside. Over and over.
We also took her to a little park near here...again her favorite thing: sticks of course. She did like the slide, but not the swings. There is a small church up there...the church and park share a parking lot. I actually don't know who officially owns the parking lot. The church has a ramp for wheel chairs that is not very steep and not very long. Lorelei discovered it and had a very good time going up and down it.
She did take a small nap in her car seat on the way home from the park....but I figured when they went home that she might fall back asleep. No such luck. She did decide to slow down and have a bottle...and that is when Sarah took this picture...she gave it the title I used.
However her mommy did tell me a couple interesting things. One is if Sarah is setting down and Lorelei is playing, Diesel comes and gets in her lap, here comes Lorelei and sits down on him. And makes him leave....she don't want to share her mommy, though she likes it if he comes to see her.
The other thing, her friend told her that if her little boy starts to get into something she will tell him , 'no, no' and he will say 'O, its Lorelei's'....he is two years old. And she is not the only kid he is around...he has just always been so good to her.