I have not had anything decent to post for Sky Watch or else have been too busy to join for a few weeks now.

We have been helping our daughter and her husband remodel the room for their baby...

and I have not been having much time left for photography. But let me tell you the skies have been beautiful.

The top three were taken on the way there yesterday....

and the bottom two were taken on the way home. Ignor that PM in the bottom one please...I took all these from the car and I really had to crop this last one--a lot--to get a straight horizon. I was leaning back behind my husband's seat taking them out the side window. All of these were taken with a little point and shoot camera.
I am going to go ahead and join Sky Watch Friday but not sure I will get to visit many. I will at least try to respond to the ones that visit me though. And maybe later I will get a chance to join.
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