I lost Cougar just a bit back...and I still really miss him. So it has been bittersweet seeing all the photos of him. It also made me wonder if Puss Puss misses him at all...when Bubbie and Mama Cat came to live with us, their closeness seemed to come to a halt....we would just occasionally catches glimpses of them being like they were the first few months we had only them. But only on rare occasions.
I wonder if anyone else feels as I do about photography...I know since digital cameras I take a gazillion pictures compared to what I took with film. Just because of economical reasons. Whether I blogged or not, I would still want to go on photography trips every chance I got. I feel compelled to capture things...things as they are now as well as to capture things that are about to pass away. I want to leave a record of our time.
The one thing I have trouble doing is capturing people in an everyday environment. That is the one thing I really need to focus on. A hundred years from now, I wonder if our blogs will still be here...and will people be looking at our photographs with the same rapt attention I look at old photos now.