I have been sitting listening to the TV and looking at photos...couldn't resist posting this one again. I know of at least one person that will enjoy it.
Its been a good day, as days go. I got to hang out another load of clothes. That is always a good thing. I sometimes just look for an excuse to do a load to hang outside.
But today, I did the one losf, and got busy with sewing. I am well on the way to having the baby quilt top finished. I know I have a crib sized batting but cannot place my hands on it. I was weary by the time I wanted to find it, so did not do a good search. I want to find it before I put the borders on the quilt top.
I am to the point where I need a big tote for my battings and pieces of battings. I would save a lot of time if they were all in one place.