First I have to show Bubbie...he was trying to block the light from his eyes...I just had to show him. He is so cute.
But what this post was going to be about is my current project...

a year or two ago, my older daughter chose this grouping of fabrics...above is the group of tans. I must tell you that the photo does not do them justice. And below are the more colorful characters...

I really wish we had picked up at least another green or two...but am making do with the two of them and the couple of browns...I am just not sure how much I am going to like it once the quilt is all together.

Above is one of the blocks....I have to make 13 blocks with these colors...notice the diagonal line of the red fabrics. These 13 blocks will be alternated with 12 blocks that are predominately in the tan colors.
I worked a while on them yesterday and the night before...I do not even want to tell you the mistakes I made in sewing....and the ripping out that I done. I only finished four of these blocks, but if I had not made all the mistakes I could have finished at least another one.
And would you believe in looking at the photo of the block above, I see a couple of glaring mistakes....I did not notice them till I loaded them on to here!