So tonight, nothing at all was moving out at the area, so I thought I would head over into Illinois to see what I could see. I had not more than started down the road and there was a sign for the Shirley Cemetery. It almost looked like a long private drive, but down it I went and found this little cemetery.
I have been telling Roger for a year now, at least, that out there at the strip pits is the only place I really want my bones to lay. His cousin has property out there, that actually has a little cemetery on it...but they are old and just maybe a dozen or so graves there. I did not want to ask him for such a big favor.

I do not know who to get in touch with to find out who runs it, but I really want to find out if there are burial plots left! It would be a weight off my mind to have that settled.
Now some might think I am nuts to be worrying about this now, but it would be so nice to have it settled. It sounds crazy, but I am just thrilled to have found this place.