Yesterday morn Lorelei and I took a little walk by the side of the house....I happened to look down where one of our trees had been.

There were literally hundreds of these little mushrooms...still with the dew on them. I took Lorelei inside and grabbed my camera and ran back to take a some pictures.

I actually did notice the fly on this one as I took the picture...which is an improvement for me. I would say that at least half the time I would not have noticed till I downloaded the picture.

In the same area, there were these little tiny things also. I would say that in real life, none of the tan ones were any bigger around than a pencil.

Here is the funny part....notice the ones that have already popped open? You might need to enlarge the picture...I did NOT notice them till I downloaded the pictures! I was just so focused on the others.
I went out later in the day when Lorelei was napping to try to get more pictures of the other little ones, and they were all gone. I think they die down once the sun hits them because there was not a single one left. Yet this morn, I noticed a few more--but I didn't think to look till later in the morn and the sun had done been up a little while.