I walk out my back door and if the conditions are right, the scent of a bed of white irises is so strong....not sure why it isn't like that all the time. Other times I don't even smell them....but yesterday, as I was mowing out front, I passed by these lovely beauties, and got a whiff of them. What a smell...though I love it I am not sure I would want to smell it all the time....they just smell so sweet.

I just had to show you one last shot of the wisteria...

It was another busy day yesterday, but just things to be done here. Roger and I both mowed the yard...and I scrubbed down my chairs on the front porch as well as the outside of the house that is under the awning....
I have to get ready to head to Terre Haute in a few minutes...Roger has another appointment with the chiropractor. He has helped him immensely with just two visits. And one thing there, we usually don't have to sit and wait and wait.
It is too bad, his fever has started to return...not as bad as the last time, it did for the first time day before yesterday....not sure what to think. I am thinking we will be heading to the medical doctor soon. But just got to get the back in better shape....he could not stand to go and sit and wait. Maybe after today...something about setting really gets to his back when it is bothering him.
Well, I need to get off here and get busy....the kids are coming tonight....though I have not told Sarah about Roger running the temps yet. I really am not sure it is the flu....