I thought I would share these from the strip pits. I took this one of the blue heron from inside the Rav. I tried to get out and get close, but soon as I stepped around the Rav, it took off.

The sky was absolutely amazing that evening. We had started out to go to this nearby little town to get an ice cream cone, not even realizing what the sky looked like. We took a side road trying to find a place to capture it....and I did take other pictures there, but none of them are very good.
So, we went on and had our ice cream, and before we got home Roger asked me if I wanted to go on to the strip pits. I never say no to that, so out there is where we ended up. Even when we got to the strip pits, the ones to the west and northwest are not as good as I wish they were. Even so, the one above kind of gives you a feel for it.

Then these other two are taken just about 3 minutes later, looking east and southeast. I need to do a collage of all the photos I have looking down this road...and the changing weather. I even need to get all my pictures labeled and just see how many are from out there. It would be a big percentage.

I don't have Bright Eyes for a few days...her mom just got through working 7 days and is off for two or three. We have things going on every one of those days though. We are having a cookout this evening when Jeremy and our other daughter gets off work. One to celebrate all the month's happenings: Sarah and Jeremy's 5th anniversary, Rachel's and Jeremy's birthday, and our anniversary at the end of the month.
I best get moving...I have to go to the grocery store to pick up things we need.