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Today since things really went a lot better, I thought I might as well use the phrase 'things are looking up' since it applies in more ways than one.

These are captures from out at the strip pits last night...the Eastern Kingbird I showed in my last post was taken last night late. I was amazed that it turned out as good as it did.

We didn't see near the animals we normally seen...and most of those only in the distance. But it was still worth going just to see the sky change with each passing moment. It was a great way to end the day.
Today was a wonderful day....Lorelei took the bottle without a fuss every single time. She only got fussy when she needed to be burped. And Grandpa introduced her to Barney! You would not believe her reaction...she laughed and 'talked' and grinned almost the whole time. And best of all, her mommy called to check on how things were going and got to hear her laughing. So keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for us that things continue to go this well.